Setting the right rate of fat loss
The rate at which you lose fat should be tailored to the total amount of fat you need to shed and the timeframe you’ve set for your prep. For instance, if you need to lose 18 pounds in 18 weeks and you currently weigh 180 pounds, aiming for an average rate of loss of about 1% of your body weight per week is a solid strategy. This means you’d want to aim for roughly 1.8 pounds lost each week.
However, it’s important to remember that losing weight too quickly can lead to negative side effects. A rapid rate of fat loss can impact your training performance, increase the risk of muscle loss, and lead to issues like fatigue, sleep disturbances, and appetite changes.
Individual Differences Matter
Another factor to consider is whether you are an enhanced or natural athlete. Enhanced individuals may be able to sustain a higher rate of fat loss without as significant a risk of losing muscle. In contrast, natural athletes should be more cautious and may benefit from a more moderate approach.
Recommended Rate of Loss
As a general guideline, I recommend starting your prep with a target rate of fat loss between 1% and 1.5% of your body weight per week. As you get leaner and closer to show, this rate of loss will slow to around 0.7% per week. This allows for a balanced approach that prioritizes performance and muscle retention, especially as you progress closer to your competition.
My Approach: Weight Over Body Fat Estimates
It's important to note that I don't personally rely on body fat estimates. Instead, I prefer to focus on total body weight for tracking progress. To calculate your weekly fat loss goal, simply take your current weight and multiply it by 0.01. This straightforward method keeps things simple and effective.
By setting a reasonable weekly target and paying attention to how your body responds, you can create a sustainable and effective plan that keeps you from burning out towards the finish line.
Darian Bates
Setting the right rate of fat loss
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