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Next Coffee Hour
Hey Fam Please vote for which time suits you best for our next coffee hour/ Q&A call (If you vote, please make sure that you attend)
15 members have voted
New comment 12d ago
Coffee Hour
Could everyone please vote which time suits them best for a call. I want you guys to get the most value from this!
6 members have voted
New comment Aug 12
Welcome to Peak Physique Skool! Introduce yourself, and let us know what bought you here and what you want to learn.
New comment 11d ago
Anxiety, performance and visualization
Anxiety many times prior to an event has made many of us play bellow our ability. Uncertainty can cause athletes to mentally envision mistakes and fear the worst prior to a competition, which leads to lack of trust in your skills. Fearing the worst, becomes negative images that will ruin performance every time. The solution could be visualization. Experience the event before it happens. This could help being ready mentaly. By visualizing yourself there succeeding, you become mentaly ready because know the event is already known. As i am competing in two weeks, I want to make a habbit of visualizing my self getting there, weighing in, having my warm up, to the point of hitting the numbers i want to achieve. Imagine my self being in a good mood and following my routine. The visualization will provide a plan. So everything will be ready when the time comes. My mind will not freak out by the unknown. Let me hear your thoughts and your experiences. Do you have some kind of routine to mentaly prepare you? ☺️
B12 For Males, B Complex for Females
B12 is crucial for energy production, red blood cell formation, neurological health, DNA synthesis, and mood regulation. For myself and the athletes i coach, as they require high energy levels and efficient recovery, i found B12 injections for males and B complex for females beneficial for increased energy, improved endurance, faster recovery, reduced fatigue, and better cognitive function, reduce stress, and enhance mental clarity, further contributing to athletic performance and well-being. I summrized the below from a personal experience and what studies support: - B12 is essential for energy production, red blood cell formation, neurological health, and DNA synthesis. - B12 deficiency can cause fatigue, anemia, cognitive issues, and other health problems. - thletes use B12 injections for increased energy, improved endurance, faster recovery, reduced fatigue, and better cognitive function. - B12 may also support immune function, reduce stress, and enhance mental clarity.
New comment 1h ago
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