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WISE Saturday Sessions is happening in 7 days
👋🤩 Hey There! 🖖😎
Welcome! Let's get acquainted. 😊🤝😊 I am your goofy guide, moving motivator, whimsical wonder... Wendy S Wiseman! As a Neuromuscular Pain Relief Specialist with over 3 decades experience and multifaceted skill as movement professional I help people move out of pain where other methods haven't provided lasting relief results. Wiseman Integrative NMT is based in Folsom in the Sacramento Vicinity of Northern California and I serve clients locally in person as well as globally here online. The passionate mission is: 🤗🌐🤗 Creating a Better World Together as Happier Healthier Humans 🤗🌐🤗 The vision is vast and will eventually feature an H3 foundation for giving back as well as off-grid living at WISE LIFE eco-haven retreats. My methods are multiple.... coaching, courses, community... publications, podcasts, productions... events, excursions, etcetera 😄 It's good to be curious, creative, and caring... in fact, those are the 3 Cs that umbrella my core values • What I offer: A new way to create lasting pain relief without depending on gyms, gadgets, or gurus... WISE Vitality : Pain-Free Movement for Next Level Life & Business • Who it is for: It's good for almost every body I specialize in helping women over 40 unwind neck/back/shoulder pains and irritations naturally for pain-free productivity without needing any "things" or adding more "to-do" to already hectic schedules ⚡🙌⚡ • How it will benefit you or someone you know: Pain is a pain in the a$$ 👀 draining your wallet, work, and wellbeing. By integrating these simple practices for pain-free vitality you reclaim fun-loving freedom for doing the things you love be that speaking on stage, traveling the world, or playing with grandkids. Move well and move for life with WISE Vitality! • The community ladder is... (Tips $0 FREE!) (Training $$) (Transformation $$$)
👋🤩 Hey There! 🖖😎
1️⃣ Welcome!👋🤩 Introduce Yourself - START HERE
We're so happy you joined us here in the H3 WISE Pain-Free Vitality Community. This community is designed to help you get lasting pain relief to unlock peak productivity so that you thrive lifelong doing what you love. Step 1: Introduce yourself IN THIS THREAD comment below! (✄ copy/paste template 👇) Where are you located? How do you like to unwind? What are your top pain challenges? What is your #1 dream? Step 2: Read the rules and checkout our free courses Step 3: Checkout the calendar and add the Q&A call What are you most excited about in connecting with others here? Show us how excited you are to be pain-free (use a GIF 👀)
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WISE⚡Pain Free Vitality
Get rid of neck & back pain to unlock peak productivity!
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