5d ago (edited) in πŸ‘‹ Intros
πŸ‘‹πŸ€© Hey There! πŸ––πŸ˜Ž
Let's get acquainted.
I am your goofy guide, moving motivator, whimsical wonder... Wendy S Wiseman!
As a Neuromuscular Pain Relief Specialist with over 3 decades experience and multifaceted skill as movement professional I help people move out of pain where other methods haven't provided lasting relief results.
Wiseman Integrative NMT is based in Folsom in the Sacramento Vicinity of Northern California and I serve clients locally in person as well as globally here online.
The passionate mission is:
πŸ€—πŸŒπŸ€— Creating a Better World Together as Happier Healthier Humans πŸ€—πŸŒπŸ€—
The vision is vast and will eventually feature an H3 foundation for giving back as well as off-grid living at WISE LIFE eco-haven retreats.
My methods are multiple.... coaching, courses, community... publications, podcasts, productions... events, excursions, etcetera πŸ˜„
It's good to be curious, creative, and caring... in fact, those are the 3 Cs that umbrella my core values
β€’ What I offer:
A new way to create lasting pain relief without depending on gyms, gadgets, or gurus...
WISE Vitality : Pain-Free Movement for Next Level Life & Business
β€’ Who it is for:
It's good for almost every body
I specialize in helping women over 40 unwind neck/back/shoulder pains and irritations naturally for pain-free productivity without needing any "things" or adding more "to-do" to already hectic schedules
β€’ How it will benefit you or someone you know:
Pain is a pain in the a$$ πŸ‘€ draining your wallet, work, and wellbeing.
By integrating these simple practices for pain-free vitality you reclaim fun-loving freedom for doing the things you love be that speaking on stage, traveling the world, or playing with grandkids.
Move well and move for life with WISE Vitality!
β€’ The community ladder is...
Mastery.WISEwithWendy.com (Transformation $$$)
Choose how deep you're ready to dive and Get Going!
This year and next I will begin releasing books and booking global speaking gigs. πŸ“šπŸ“–βœˆοΈ
For feeding my being I enjoy adventures in nature, especially with my companion Max, a 6.5yo white German Shepherd dog. πŸ’—πŸΎπŸ’—
Blessed to live near the mountains and the ocean I will often take long roaming motorcycle tours around this lovely diverse terrain.
Do you have a pet or favorite nature getaway? Share a pic! πŸ’¬
Wendy Wiseman
πŸ‘‹πŸ€© Hey There! πŸ––πŸ˜Ž
WISE⚑Pain Free Vitality
Get rid of neck & back pain to unlock peak productivity!
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