The MINIMUM you should be charging clients..
Understand your numbers!
To set your rates as a personal trainer, start by calculating how much you need to make each month. This includes both personal living expenses (rent, bills, food) and business costs (gym fees, equipment, certifications).
For example, if you need $4,000 to cover personal expenses and $1,000 for business costs, your total target income is $5,000 per month.
Next, figure out how many hours you can realistically train. Let’s say you can train 20 hours a week, which totals 80 hours a month.
To find your minimum hourly rate, divide your total monthly target ($5,000) by your available hours (80).
$5,000 ÷ 80 hours = $63/hour or per session.
Simple way to find your minimum rate. You should NEVER charge less than this.
Gideon Uelese
The MINIMUM you should be charging clients..
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