It was lovely seeing Nick’s update so I thought I’d add mine.
First and most importantly I’ve managed to calm the old PTSD down so much it hardly affects me now. Emotionally I’m feeling better than ever. I keep saying I feel safe which is a new feeling for me. From here I can create better work too🥂
I did an email campaign instead of my usual launch in September. I wasn’t sure what I was doing but it worked. I went in heavy with value emails over August then all September I did the offer. I did about 30k… without ads or stressful launching.
Now I want to repeat it for Black Friday and have decided to do small videos each day to blast my socials too.
I’ve studied TikTok and have a strategy going forward to use that instead of launching. If it doesn’t work I’ll have to launch in February but I don’t want that stress in my life. I’m scared my brain won’t cope.
AND… I’ve worked out my retirement plan!!! I just need to work for 12 more years, and I only do 2 hours a day as I’ve retired once before 😂
So I’m really overthinking all this. I’m in a great position really.
FINALLY I’ve realised why I don’t love this business. It’s not making an impact like my last one. It’s hardly world changing.
So I’m going to start doing guided meditations and spoken stories on YouTube. I think creative me needs it. If I get revenue from it, fab. Either way it’ll make the impact that’s important to me.
Phew…. How’s everyone else? ❤️
As ever thank you to Frank & Tyler for this space 🥂
Shazzie Love
Frank Kern's Friendly Helping Community Of People Who Create And Sell Things Online.
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