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87 contributions to Creation
Rainmaker link?
Hi Frank or team… I have a couple of clients interested in Rainmaker… do we have a link for them? ❤️
New comment May 23
1 like • Mar 4
@Laura Houssain Aw thank you lovely ❤️
Around the corner to start my Pre-launch campaign for my online course
Hi I'm around the corner to start my Pre-launch campaign for my online course, but not sure how to start, how long should I spend during the pre-launch campaign, and when to consider my pre-launch a success. Any suggestions would be appreciated
New comment Nov '23
2 likes • Nov '23
@Ammar Musa I make a new list each time. So on my normal list I’m doing pre launch stuff to get them to sign up to the launch and on the launch list I keep them warm before the launch. Pre launch list is lots of bribes, what they will learn, prizes they could get, and what they could miss out on. Launch list is content. I do pre workshop meditations and manifestation strategies but that’s my style. You could show case studies, interviews, any social proof. Get the trust built up front. You could also build a pop up group maybe Fb or skool. If you have at least 500 in your funnel registered you should get a good feel for sales before scaling. It sound like you have a big audience but it might be worth testing with a smaller one first. There are so many moving parts. Also I always offer 3 variations of my offer. - basic, 1 decoy and 1 luxxx. I mostly sell the luxxx @ 3k because of the value plus bonuses. Hope this is helpful. Let us know how it goes. ❤️❤️❤️
3 likes • Nov '23
@Ammar Musa Audience is everything. Looks like you have that covered so give them something wonderful and you’ll be fine 🥂
It was lovely seeing Nick’s update so I thought I’d add mine. First and most importantly I’ve managed to calm the old PTSD down so much it hardly affects me now. Emotionally I’m feeling better than ever. I keep saying I feel safe which is a new feeling for me. From here I can create better work too🥂 I did an email campaign instead of my usual launch in September. I wasn’t sure what I was doing but it worked. I went in heavy with value emails over August then all September I did the offer. I did about 30k… without ads or stressful launching. Now I want to repeat it for Black Friday and have decided to do small videos each day to blast my socials too. I’ve studied TikTok and have a strategy going forward to use that instead of launching. If it doesn’t work I’ll have to launch in February but I don’t want that stress in my life. I’m scared my brain won’t cope. AND… I’ve worked out my retirement plan!!! I just need to work for 12 more years, and I only do 2 hours a day as I’ve retired once before 😂 So I’m really overthinking all this. I’m in a great position really. FINALLY I’ve realised why I don’t love this business. It’s not making an impact like my last one. It’s hardly world changing. So I’m going to start doing guided meditations and spoken stories on YouTube. I think creative me needs it. If I get revenue from it, fab. Either way it’ll make the impact that’s important to me. Phew…. How’s everyone else? ❤️ As ever thank you to Frank & Tyler for this space 🥂
New comment Nov '23
2 likes • Nov '23
@Randy Fisher Ah great. It can take time but when you feel your flashbacks fade you’ll know it’s really worth it ❤️
1 like • Nov '23
@Adele Mostert thank you lovely. I have a process to help people find their purpose and am thinking that I could make that a meditation and use it to send ppl to my Visioning day offers. I think going forward that’s the only package I might offer, as my clubs sit inside there anyway. I’d only need to see 2 a month 🤣
First Anniversary...
Not been around here lately - been a bit busy. But today is the first anniversary of my new business venture - my first business adventure/venture. I created a little video to remember all the things I've done over the past year, and it wouldn't be worth a damn unless @Frank Kern featured in it 😉 - after all, it was the branding class that helped me start the journey properly and in a structured way. Honestly, I've not had clients knocking my door down, but I'm not giving up, I'm committed - I'm skint but committed Lol. @Frank Kern @Tyler Dorsey Thanks Gents - you really helped me when the branding class started, along with this group being launched - I'll always appreciate you! Also a big thanks to those other supporters when we first started chatting here - @Shazzie Love , @Adele Mostert, @Stephanie Calahan, @Greg Sudderth to name a few... @Robert Culpepper I'm still up for a beer one day 👍 Anyhow - let's see what the next year brings... (hopefully some decent clients so I can spend more money with Frank)
New comment Nov '23
1 like • Nov '23
@Adele Mostert we will but I can’t promise the sun 😂😂
1 like • Nov '23
@Nick Hayes Yes I d noticed agencies offer a sales force with a huge set up fee. AND they only use your list. That’s not what you want 😳😳😳
How are the branding kids doing?
It’s been a while since our training with Frank. Did anyone make it work? I have made multiple 5 figures since the training but not from what we learned (I’ve paused that for now)… from other Frank nuggets of wisdom. Most importantly that time he said “make more offers”. Since then my list has had almost daily offers. What’s interesting is if I’m offering one thing, more things get bought because I have a list of offers on my web site. If I’m not dominating my list’s inbox, my competitors are… Honestly if I can continue this, I’ll never have to launch again, which was my goal for joining this. So in a convoluted way it worked and I’m grateful. I’m about to create an organic marketing strategy to support this, and when ready will restart the branding ads. Would love to hear how you all got on. Huge thanks to Frank & Tyler ❤️❤️❤️
New comment Jul '23
How are the branding kids doing?
0 likes • Jul '23
@Joey Zender it’s not like you couldn’t find me on google tho 🤗🤗🤗 Feeling happy to get clarity on what I love. This process Rea helped 🥂
0 likes • Jul '23
@Greg Sudderth haha. That’s why I don’t like working much now. I feel complete but I like spending…
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Shazzie Love
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I make revolutionaries

Active 193d ago
Joined Mar 3, 2023
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