How are the branding kids doing?
It’s been a while since our training with Frank. Did anyone make it work?
I have made multiple 5 figures since the training but not from what we learned (I’ve paused that for now)… from other Frank nuggets of wisdom.
Most importantly that time he said “make more offers”. Since then my list has had almost daily offers.
What’s interesting is if I’m offering one thing, more things get bought because I have a list of offers on my web site.
If I’m not dominating my list’s inbox, my competitors are…
Honestly if I can continue this, I’ll never have to launch again, which was my goal for joining this. So in a convoluted way it worked and I’m grateful.
I’m about to create an organic marketing strategy to support this, and when ready will restart the branding ads.
Would love to hear how you all got on.
Huge thanks to Frank & Tyler ❤️❤️❤️
Shazzie Love
How are the branding kids doing?
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