You could have the best workout of all time....but if its not something you can sustain, it won't matter. You could eat the healthiest meal of all time...but if its not something you can sustain, it won't matter. You could have a perfect productive day...but if its not something you can sustain, it won't matter. When it comes to building a better body that you're proud of, sustainability is the name of the game. So the right question to ask isn't "how can I do what's right just for the moment?" but rather "how can I do what's right over a long period of time?" The answer lies in our habits, the things we do without even thinking about it. Take brushing your you have to get motivated for it? do you forget to do it all the time? or can you just do it like it's second nature? Just like the color of your teeth is nothing but a lagging measurement of your brushing habits, your body is nothing but a lagging measurement of your food and training habits. If you woke up tomorrow and your teeth were super yellow, and you wanted to get them white again, what would you do? You'd start brushing. Every day. You wouldn't miss it.... and after some months, you'd be right back to where you are now. Same thing with your fitness. Yes it can suck to look in the mirror and not be exactly where you want to be. Just like it would suck to look in the mirror and see yellow teeth... But the best response in that moment is to set your habits. Make them non-negotiable. Treat them with respect. Ultimately, everything you want will be a lagging measure of what you do habitually. So take every habit seriously. Once they're all running on auto pilot, just like brushing your teeth, a better more muscular version of you will become an inevitability. You frickin' got this guys