Government Contracting School
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261 members
$19 /month
Welcome To Government Contracting School.
Learn How to win your first contract as a Beginner Government Contractor.
Here’s What You Get Access To:
✅ Government Contracting For Dummies (Value $1,000)
✅ Government Contracting 101 (Value $1,000)
✅ Government Contracting Tutorials (Value $1,000)
✅ DLA Success & Failure Stories (Value $500)
✅ Chronicles Of A Hustlers (Value $500)
✅ Set-By-Step Guides (Value $500)
✅ Community: A committed group of Government Contractors (Priceless)
And much more…
All of this is worth $4,500+
But for a limited time only: $19/month
  • Release Price (June 22nd) - $0/month
  • New Price (July 17th) - $19/month
  • Next Price - $99/month
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Government Contracting School
Everything you need to win your first contract as a beginner government contractor.
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