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Hi, and welcome to our community!🔥 The purpose of MY MINDSET is to make practical, effective mindset changes accessible for anyone to learn and empower themselves in their pursuit of happiness. The purpose of this community is to help each other through our courses and to motivate, support, and answer questions we might have. CLASSROOMS: - how to create and build your mindset. - FREE 1:1 Coaching: Learn how to start, run & grow your own mindset Your First Step: Introduce yourself and show your workspace to earn points. Let's get to work! You will find our courses in the 'Classroom' tab at the top left of this page. Go there to get started!
New comment 13d ago
💎 Promote Your Work Post 💎
I know that we have some AMAZING minds, experts and professionals in here and I'd love to create a thread where you can promote what it is you do and share your links and offers with everyone in this group. I know there are a few people in here that I want to hire to help me get my next level health on and I am sure that I'm not the only one thinking that. So here is the deal. This post is going to become like a directory of all the awesome people in here and can be a source of new clients for you. So in the Comments of this post please share... 1) A bit about YOU 2) A bit about WHO and HOW you help 3) A Special Offer, Freebie or something of Value 4) Any social links you want to include 5) A Pic of you... I will go first in the comments! Think we can 50% of this community to write on this post? Share your offers and tag a friend!
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New comment 30d ago
MMM: Dopamine before Passion
Hey Friends, Before we can find passion we need to work on ourselves first… In today's modern times, there are many challenges that the passionate people did not have before technology.. Insert Dopamine speed. 1. Change where you get your dopamine from. Dopamine- responsible for motivation and causes you to feel good. Modern Past Consumption Creation Don't have to do much to get Dopamine We had to create something to get dopamine. (social media, video games, food, porn.) (building, growing, making art) When the majority of your dopamine When the majority of your dopamine comes from consumption, this is called an addiction. comes from creation, this is called a passion! First thing to do is to turn back your consumption valve. Watch less tv, play less video games, eat less junk food. This will cause you to want to get dopamine from other forms of ‘Creation.’ 2. You need to expose yourself to different forms of creation.. You need to develop an understanding of yourself which is not something you automatically have. Assume you’re starting from 0, you need to do things to figure out what your interests/strengths/traits etc are. Think about if you’d never eaten food in your life and you were tasked with figuring out what foods you most enjoy. You’d have to obviously try different foods to figure that out. But you obviously wouldn’t try every meal in the world that would take too long and be unnecessarily inefficient. Instead you’d try foods in a way to narrow down things. You’d try a certain group or food with some ingredient to know if you like that or not. You’d try spicy food or sweet food and then if you liked it you’d narrow down in that section or if you hated it you’d avoid altogether. It’s the same with your own interests and developing self awareness of those. If you don’t know what you like you have to try things to figure out but obviously you can’t just try every job so you have to be creative and efficient with trying things… If you are still struggling with finding a hobby that you are passionate about, trying turning down your consumption valve even more(step 1)
MMM: Dopamine before Passion
MMM: How to get out of your Rut!
Rut busters- The Game The Warm Up: Find 5 things that you love doing(small or big), but can’t be something that hurts your goals(scrolling, video games, drugs, etc) Coffee Learning Making my baby smile Eating fruit Walks with dogs/family When this form of gratitude happens- the brain releases dopamine and serotonin which are neurotransmitters that contribute to feelings of happiness, pleasure, and well-being. When you reroute your attention to something that makes you happy, your brain starts to change. PowerUps: Small Wins- my small wins vary from making my bed in the morning to getting greenlights on the way to work—the point here is to notice them. Deliberate Play is about injecting fun into skill-building, so the daily grind becomes a source of daily joy (the opposite of this is deliberate practice where burnout is formed.) Seek Inspiration- positive music, podcasts, movies, etc MicroAdventures- Big changes can be daunting. Start small! Take a spontaneous walk in nature, visit a new museum, or learn a new skill. Microadventures can spark joy, boost your mood, and break the rut's monotony. In the face of change, the routines that once moved you forward often become the ruts that hold you back. No practice is ever perfect. The day you stop being open to improving is the day you start stagnating on pursuing your passion The Challenge: Breaking free from a rut isn't easy. Common roadblocks include: Blindness: We might not even realize we're stuck. Fear: Stepping outside our comfort zone can be scary. Overwhelm: Deciding where to start can be paralyzing. Self-doubt: Feeling stuck can breed negativity and a lack of confidence. Perfectionism: The pressure to make everything perfect can prevent progress. Isolation: Lack of support makes it easier to fall back into old patterns. Procrastination: Putting things off feels easier in the short term. All-or-Nothing Thinking: We might feel we need drastic changes all at once. External Pressures: Societal expectations can make change feel challenging.
New comment 7d ago
MMM: How to get out of your Rut!
MMM: Purposely Passionate?
Hey there, passionate souls! This week, we're diving deep with your mindset coach to explore the intersection of passion, purpose, and living a life that truly lights you up. Finding your passion isn't a one-size-fits-all treasure hunt. It's a journey of self-discovery fueled by curiosity and a willingness to explore. Here are some powerful mindset shifts to guide you: - From "What's my passion?" to "What ignites me?" Shift your focus from a singular, elusive passion to the activities that spark joy, curiosity, and a sense of flow. - Embrace the power of "and." You can have multiple passions! Don't feel pressured to find one "true calling." - Reframe challenges as stepping stones. Your past experiences, even the tough ones, have shaped you and can be valuable tools for navigating your future. - Action conquers analysis! Don't wait for the "perfect" opportunity. Take small steps consistently to explore your interests. Volunteer, take a class, attend workshops – dive in! - Celebrate small wins. Finding your passion is a process. Recognize and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Remember, self-respect and purpose are intertwined. When you align your work with your values and contribute your unique talents, it fosters a sense of fulfillment and self-worth. Now, let's explore giving back. Giving in secret isn't just about outward acts of service. It's about a mindset shift towards generosity and contributing to something bigger than yourself. This can be incredibly empowering and add another layer of purpose to your life. Finding your passion is an investment in yourself. It's about recognizing the unique value you bring to the world and aligning your work with that value. This doesn't have to be a dramatic life change. Start small – explore interests, volunteer, take a class. Remember, a life without passion is a life half-lived. Let's break free from the mundane and embrace the power of what truly ignites us. Let's find our passions and, together, light up the world.
MMM: Purposely Passionate?
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