MMM: How to get out of your Rut!
Rut busters- The Game
The Warm Up: Find 5 things that you love doing(small or big), but can’t be something that hurts your goals(scrolling, video games, drugs, etc)
Making my baby smile
Eating fruit
Walks with dogs/family
When this form of gratitude happens- the brain releases dopamine and serotonin which are neurotransmitters that contribute to feelings of happiness, pleasure, and well-being. When you reroute your attention to something that makes you happy, your brain starts to change.
Small Wins- my small wins vary from making my bed in the morning to getting greenlights on the way to work—the point here is to notice them.
Deliberate Play is about injecting fun into skill-building, so the daily grind becomes a source of daily joy (the opposite of this is deliberate practice where burnout is formed.)
Seek Inspiration- positive music, podcasts, movies, etc
MicroAdventures- Big changes can be daunting. Start small! Take a spontaneous walk in nature, visit a new museum, or learn a new skill. Microadventures can spark joy, boost your mood, and break the rut's monotony.
In the face of change, the routines that once moved you forward often become the ruts that hold you back.
No practice is ever perfect. The day you stop being open to improving is the day you start stagnating on pursuing your passion
The Challenge:
Breaking free from a rut isn't easy. Common roadblocks include:
Blindness: We might not even realize we're stuck.
Fear: Stepping outside our comfort zone can be scary.
Overwhelm: Deciding where to start can be paralyzing.
Self-doubt: Feeling stuck can breed negativity and a lack of confidence.
Perfectionism: The pressure to make everything perfect can prevent progress.
Isolation: Lack of support makes it easier to fall back into old patterns.
Procrastination: Putting things off feels easier in the short term.
All-or-Nothing Thinking: We might feel we need drastic changes all at once.
External Pressures: Societal expectations can make change feel challenging.
Lack of Clarity: Without a vision of what you want, it's hard to move forward.
By recognizing these challenges, you can develop a plan to overcome them and create a more fulfilling life. Which challenge relates most to you?
Dallas Hughston
MMM: How to get out of your Rut!
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