Introduce Yourself...
I'd love to learn more about YOU, so take a moment to introduce yourself...
I'll start here...
My Name is Heather, and I've been teaching meditation, martial arts, and energy healing since 2008.
I also write and illustrate children's picture books and workbooks that explore mindset, meditation and mental health. (Currently, I have 6 published, many more on the way!)
I've lived and studied Kung Fu in Hong Kong, Meditation and Healing in Cyprus, Letting Go in and A Course In Miracles in Sedona, Capoeira in Brazil and now I'm in Sydney. I'm totally hooked on BJJ and Sound Healing.
I struggled growing up with Dyslexia and ADHD, and meditation and martial arts have helped me IMMENSELY to balance myself, understand my mind and love myself for who I am.
I can't wait to get to know you!
Heather Ray
Introduce Yourself...
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