Day 4
More challenging day because I travel for work on the weekends. Early morning flights, plus layovers create a lot of room to not be mindful of my habits like meditation, diet, reading and journaling since im moving around so much.
Caught myself before making excuses though, and decided to just allocate my RIGHT NOW to doing all of those things rather than push them off and hope I magically get the time and discipline to do them later.
sometimes you have to reevaluate if you're making the things you NEED to make a priority or if you're focused on prioritizing comfort. This question helped me focus on prioritizing the right actions and I feel really good about the decision.
I'm glad my personal rule is no social media, I feel like if I had the apps on my phone it would have been easy to doom scroll my way into procrastination. Lets keep it going!
Apex Laurent
Day 4
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