Book Recommendation
Before I get into the actual book...I came across an interesting fact about Steve Jobs...he arranged his own funeral, and every guest was to receive a gift box at the end of the service. The box contained a book, his final gift to each guest. (If you don't know about the book, google the story...I read the book and understood why it was so meaningful to him.)That gesture struck me deeply, It made me reflect on what book I would leave as a parting gift...For me, that book would be "Conversations with God Bk 1" by Neale Donald Walsh.
I'll explain why this specific book this way - I loved math in school (Yeah, I know, nerd alert!), and one of the reasons I did was that unlike other subjects where you had to memorize dates or some key words etc, in math, once you understood the concept, that was it, you could solve any problem related to it. This book does something similar for me—it explains life: its origins, its purpose, the why and the how, everything...Once I read it, I found that navigating through life became so much easier no matter the challenges that came...Well, that said, a disclaimer...the book is not your typical read, it requires A LOT of unlearning and you'll need to go into it with an open mind, setting aside everything you think you know about existence...You need to be ready for it, but I believe when the student is ready, the teacher appears...
I'd love to hear if anyone here has read it and what their thoughts are...
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Chris Nganga
Book Recommendation
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