I Confronted my Father Today
If you saw my post yesterday, this weekend hasn’t been great with family. Today I made the deduction to confront my dad and set a boundary with him. I told him I was not okay with lashing out at me with anger and if he disrespects me in future I will not put up with it.
Expectedly, he didn’t take it well. He pretty justified his behavior by saying he’s teaching me how not to be lazy and careless and he feels that I have bad intentions when I make mistakes. As he was arguing, I stayed calm and I did not let him make me feel less about myself. I stood my ground. I don’t know what the result of this will be but I hope there’s a positive change.
Thank you Ryan for the webinar last night; the parts on deflection and projection were very relevant here.
Mike Harten
I Confronted my Father Today
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