Delete activity in a pipeline
Hi All,
I create a small number of json files through a api, which get overwritten everytime time the pipeline runs.
There is a very minute chance that one day a json file may not be overwritten, because we have gotten rid of the object and are no longer interested in its history (it will be rare but possible).
I thought ..easy I'll insert a delete activity, but I can't seem to get the wildcard fucntionality to work (I am prolly being a dumbass here).
I followed this link from MS and wildcards should work, and I have used them to ingest data in a similar ways many times ( )
The activity step is super simple,
If I take the wildcard out and leave filename blank, it will delete all files in the subfolder, which could work, though I would like to build in some more finesse, incorporating it in a loop and target filenames more selectively. What am I missing here?
Cheers Hans
Hans Smeets
Delete activity in a pipeline
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