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36 contributions to Learn Microsoft Fabric
Dark mode for PowerBI Desktop?
I have recently come across that there is a support for dark mode, but I was not able to find any details (only some workaround and some old forums, like 2019). It is highly requested feature... It would be nice :)
New comment 13h ago
Fabric REST API now supports Service Principals 👀
This is a pretty big one. No official announcement yet, perhaps they will announce formally at next week's conference... But if you take a look at some of the REST API endpoint documentation (e.g. this Create Lakehouse endpoint), you will notice a small, but impactful change (see image). You will see that you can now create items from a Service Principal account (which was previously not supported). What does this mean, you might be asking? Well, traditionally, when you create things like a Lakehouse in Fabric, you become the owner. A Service Principal (which can be created and managed in Azure Entra ID) is a generic user account, that can be now used to create these items. This makes it easier to automate creation of new items at different stages in a CI/CD pipeline. And means the 'Owner' is the Service Principal, not an individual. Is this something that you've been waiting for? Let me know how you'll be using it below 👇
New comment 15h ago
Fabric REST API now supports Service Principals 👀
0 likes • 15h
Much needed! thx
Estimating Fabric cost or sizing
Any pointers on how to estimate for Fabric CUs, licensing and SKU for an organization considering to move to Fabric please?
New comment 15h ago
0 likes • 15h
So far, it is hard to say... Run small POC and compare it to your current solution. Also contact MS partner-reseller and maybe they can tell you more and also offer discount <3
Calling all MS Fabric developers and enthusiasts in Prague and all CZE
Are there any fellow Microsoft Fabric developers or enthusiasts based in Prague or in the Czech Republic? If you're working with or interested in MS Fabric, I'd love to connect! Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, it would be great to meet, share ideas, and maybe even collaborate on something exciting. Feel free to fine me on linkedin if you'd be interested in meeting up or creating a local group. Let’s build something amazing together! 💻🚀
New comment 2d ago
0 likes • 2d
Is there anyone? <3
0 likes • 2d
@Tomas Kasik Tak se mě přidej na LI, viz odkaz :D Zatím nevím, kde to uděláme, ale moc lidí se neozvalo... Kdybys o někom dalším věděl, tak můžeme někde něco založit... ať už tady na redditu, meetup, linked... Dík :)
New Snowflake connector updated - storage integration added
I know quite a few of you are using/ connecting to Snowflake, so this is worth knowing. Microsoft have done some work on their Snowflake Data Pipeline connector, you can read more here: What is Storage Integration? Storage integration in Snowflake allows data engineers to connect Snowflake with external storage solutions (such as Azure Blob Storage) using a secure and centralized approach. It simplifies the process of reading and writing data between Snowflake and these storage systems while maintaining strict security protocols. Previously, users had to manually configure access roles and manage keys, which could be both cumbersome and error prone. Learn more here. What are the Key Benefits - Enhanced Security: The feature leverages Snowflake’s storage integration framework, ensuring access to external storage is managed through a Snowflake-assigned role, eliminating the need to expose sensitive credentials. This centralized control enhances security by governing data access and permissions through a single source. - Secure Authentication: Users can now implement more secure authentication methods when connecting to Azure Blob Storage, whether it’s being used as a source, destination or staging storage. - Fine-Grained Control: The feature also respects the PREVENT_UNLOAD_TO_INLINE_URL parameter setting, giving users the option to prevent ad-hoc data unloads to external cloud storage locations. This provides an extra layer of control for managing data flows. Learn more here.  
New comment 7d ago
New Snowflake connector updated - storage integration added
0 likes • 7d
Thank you, for those having DWH in Snowflake, it is huge!
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Alisa Benešová
39points to level up
data engineer, databricks, snowflake... :)

Active 15h ago
Joined Jul 9, 2024
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