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11 contributions to Learn Microsoft Fabric
Connecting MS powerapps to fabric
Hi All I am in need of a CRUD editor for end users for a table in a fabric warehouse, the 1st thing that comes to mind (and co pilot actualy agreed :-D) was powerapps. However I cannot for the life of me get powerapp to connect and read a warehouse table. MS suggests to use dataverse, but when i connect that way i get "oops something went wrong try reloading". I know there could still be another issue with the fact warehouse doesnt normally work with primary keys but I have found a potential solution for that. Does anybody have any idea how to do this, or is powerapp not the right tool and do i need to use something else. PS I tried to go directly to the sql connection, by creating an sql connector, but that only shows me a bunch of system stored procedures and again not my table Thanks Hans
New comment 10d ago
0 likes • 11d
@Arjaan den Ouden the problem is that the data that flows into the fabric tables comes from an API of a third party tool about incidents. we need to enhance that data with extra info that is not in the portal and it is not a 1 time ETL (that would have been easy-ish) . For instance we have something that is a Lost Time Incident, but the amount of lost time is not known at that point in time, or may even need to be adapted later on (i.e expected lost time wis 8 hourse, but in the end it was 12. Also incidents will have a status open or closed, that is something the api also doesn't supply. Our HR depertment needs to work with this data and it is undoable if i have to created sql crud statements everytime a change needs to be made. I am actualy quite dissapointed about the integration with MS suite of powertools with fabric, since it is one of their selling points
0 likes • 10d
@Will Needham I actualy found that video to, and I am working through it, lets hope it works. Otherwise I will end up having to write a vb app that does the varioys CRUD functions, assuming the sql endpoint actually allows it.
Licensing of dev and prod workspaces
Good morning all, In our Powerbi tenant we have 2 workspaces, one for production, one for development. How is the licensing sorted for having 2 workspaces. Do you need to assign (and pay for) a capacity to each workspace, or is the license automatially spread out over the workspaces? The reason I ask is that we need to upgrade our license from a trial license and it is unclear to me what will happen when we do?
New comment 10d ago
Delete activity in a pipeline
Hi All, I create a small number of json files through a api, which get overwritten everytime time the pipeline runs. There is a very minute chance that one day a json file may not be overwritten, because we have gotten rid of the object and are no longer interested in its history (it will be rare but possible). I thought ..easy I'll insert a delete activity, but I can't seem to get the wildcard fucntionality to work (I am prolly being a dumbass here). I followed this link from MS and wildcards should work, and I have used them to ingest data in a similar ways many times ( ) The activity step is super simple, If I take the wildcard out and leave filename blank, it will delete all files in the subfolder, which could work, though I would like to build in some more finesse, incorporating it in a loop and target filenames more selectively. What am I missing here? Cheers Hans
New comment 25d ago
Delete activity in a pipeline
0 likes • 28d
@Robert Lavigne I tried that as well, but that wont accept a filename like *.json, it will say it is an invalid directory.
3 likes • 25d
I think I may have been the dumbass here 😂 .. when you select wildcard file path, one row below is "wildcard filename" I had completely missed that one...🫣
Power BI/Fabric Deployment Pipelines: do they allow version control version capabilities?
Hello Everyone, do the Power BI/Fabric Deployment Pipelines,allow version control to travel in time to a previous deployed artifiact? for example imagine that i had deployed a certain semantic model based on a dev lakehouse and a report, from dev to prod, but after a while we discovered that the semantic model had some data issue, and we wanted to revert back to the latest stable version of the lakehouse, semantic model and report. is that possible without the integration of Git?
New comment 27d ago
4 likes • 28d
@Stéphane Michel correct, the deployment pipelines do not keep version or history. What I have done is that I have two workspaces, one is development one is production. In the developlemt work space I will keep 1 or 2 previous versions. I have not worked with the git integration yet, so I can't tell if that would be vialble, but knowing git, it should.
Issue writing to Lakehouse
Hi all, I have been using notebooks for a while and recently noticed some issues when writing to my LH, I am getting a weird 'unidentified' folder - and an 'unable to identify these objects as tables' error. To my knowledge Im not doing anything strange, just using the .saveAsTable method, and have tried others. Just wondering if anyone else has come across this issue?
New comment 29d ago
Issue writing to Lakehouse
0 likes • 30d
I have seen it in the past as well, what happens if you wait a minute or so, and then refresh your whole browser?
1-10 of 11
Hans Smeets
1point to level up
I am a system and database admin

Active 7d ago
Joined Aug 9, 2024
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