98% of landing pages suck.
6 proven design patterns that increase conversions:
1/ Attention Ratio:
• make your landing page ask a simple YES/NO question
• get rid of distractions for a clear focus
• fewer distractions = high conversion rates
2/ Clarity:
• keep the design around CTA free
• avoid scary words like "spam" that scare people away
3/ Congruence:
• rate everything on your page from 0-2 based on how much it matches your goal
• keep scores of 2
• improve 1s
• remove 0s
• this helps keep your page focused and relevant
4/ Credibility:
• trust is key
• use real trust signals and show that real people have happily followed your call to action
• tweets or videos of happy users increase conversions
5/ Understanding Motivation:
• know what your audience really wants
• like free trial, intro call, demo, samples
• highlight it on your page
• give them what they're looking for upfront
6/ Continuance:
• guide your visitors on what to do next
• use social proof like share counts or sign-up numbers to encourage action
• showing that others have engaged increases trust and action
Arthur Nurgaliyev
98% of landing pages suck.
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