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4 contributions to Self Mastery
Build a website and customers will come...
If only it were that simple. After designing websites in various niches, Here are my 5 tips to increase your website's conversions:
Build a website and customers will come...
98% of landing pages suck.
6 proven design patterns that increase conversions: 1/ Attention Ratio: • make your landing page ask a simple YES/NO question • get rid of distractions for a clear focus • fewer distractions = high conversion rates 2/ Clarity: • keep the design around CTA free • avoid scary words like "spam" that scare people away 3/ Congruence: • rate everything on your page from 0-2 based on how much it matches your goal • keep scores of 2 • improve 1s • remove 0s • this helps keep your page focused and relevant 4/ Credibility: • trust is key • use real trust signals and show that real people have happily followed your call to action • tweets or videos of happy users increase conversions 5/ Understanding Motivation: • know what your audience really wants • like free trial, intro call, demo, samples • highlight it on your page • give them what they're looking for upfront 6/ Continuance: • guide your visitors on what to do next • use social proof like share counts or sign-up numbers to encourage action • showing that others have engaged increases trust and action
98% of landing pages suck.
Landing page or Website?👇
Here's the breakdown: 1/ Landing Page: Focused on conversion 🎯 It's built to do one thing well—convert. A landing page turns visitors into action-takers, whether it’s a sign-up, sale, or another action. • One Goal: drives one specific action • Custom for Audiences: personalized touch • Aligned Design & Message: matches the campaign • No Distractions: keeps visitors laser-focused on the action 2/ Website: Your brand's digital HQ 🌐 It's where info, products, and experiences merge into one space. • Navigation Hub: easy access to all sections • Community Spot: for interaction and connection • Info Central: your story, values, and what you offer • Do-It-All Space: fits various needs like store, blog or portfolio • Brand Window: Reflects your brand visually and message-wise. 3/ Difference: • Purpose: Landing page → conversions Websites → information • Longevity: Landing pages → short-term campaigns Websites → long-term • Focus: Landing page → one goal Websites → many goals Landing pages are for specific targets, websites tell your brand’s whole story.
Landing page or Website?👇
7 Rules for High-Converting Agency Landing Pages!
The landing page must fulfill its primary function: converting visitors into clients. I've been designing websites for over a year now, and I want to share with you 7 rules for high converting websites for your agency 1. Main Lockup: Make what your site offers crystal clear the moment visitors land. Use a strong headline, subheading, CTA, form, and product demo to address their needs immediately. 2. Grand Slam Offer: Present an irresistible offer. People hesitate to share emails, so lower the barrier with free content or discounts. Make it too good to refuse. 3. Features/Benefits: Highlight only key features. Use product walkthroughs or videos. Show, don't tell – it's more effective. 4. Pricing: It's usually the first question on visitors' minds. Always include it, and make it easily accessible in the navigation. 5. Social Proof: Your customers are your best copywriters. Include testimonials, highlight key features, and show customers who resemble your audience. It builds trust and relatability. 6. Copy is King: Your landing page copy is a digital salesperson. Use storytelling and crisp copy to strike an emotional chord and communicate your unique value. 7. Information Overload: We have an 8-second attention span, less than a goldfish! Keep your content short and engaging. No one wants to read long paragraphs.
7 Rules for High-Converting Agency Landing Pages!
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Arthur Nurgaliyev
5points to level up
I craft conversion-designed websites for founders who can't afford to fail! Book an intro call👇

Active 1h ago
Joined Mar 2, 2024
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