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Vitamin D (Calciferol)
Testosterone Boost Recipe: Taking my workouts, yoga, and breath work outside under the sun has been the best added ingredient to my daily routine. Feeling all kinds of amazing energy moving through me lately sexually, mentally, and physically. Something so simple, yet so special has brought me to a deeper, loving, AND sexier connection to myself. 😉☀️💪🏼
New comment 28d ago
Grateful to move the needle forward
Over the last two days I've recorded and edited 6 new guided meditations for Insight Timer, and today I received a new song that I'm working on! Feeling very grateful that I've been prioritizing my time to do these things
New comment Aug 1
Work Successes
So grateful that I was able to set time aside today and rearrange my schedule so that I could focus and work on a major work project. Was finally able to complete my 5 year strategic plan!
New comment Jul 31
Winning today!
What's up brothers this is Chee-New! I hope you each are experiencing wellness and vitality and taking time to simply BE. I took some time to connect with my breath this morning as the sun rose. It was beautiful. Breathing consciously and mindfully has been helping me feel more at ease and present. I am grateful for my breath and my body. I am grateful to be alive. I am grateful for the people I have met and will meet. I wrote down some affirmations, intentions, and manifestation mantras in my journal. "I live and move in this life with an abundance of love guided by my visions, purpose, and values that ground me in caring and supporting myself and my community in transformative, life affirming, and healing ways." And I also got to read about habits and healing. Let's gooo. This is the work. I am winning. Sharing much love and light to you all.
New comment Jul 8
Grateful to share with my brothers here. Spent time practicing my breathing. Refocusing for SRC and channeling my energy.
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Masculine Embodiment Matrix
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