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Business & Marketing Strategy (with Human Design)
🤔 Have you ever wondered why certain strategies work wonders for others but fall flat when you try them? It's frustrating, right? Today, we're going to dive into the transformative world of human design to uncover your unique, aligned business strategy. Get ready to nerd out with me and discover how this powerful tool can revolutionize your approach! Many aspiring coaches struggle with finding a business strategy that truly fits them. They often follow conventional methods only to feel burnt out and disheartened when those methods don't yield the desired results. Without a personalized approach, building a successful business can feel overwhelming and unattainable. Human design is a comprehensive system that provides insights into your unique energy dynamics, strengths, and how you're meant to interact with the world. Think of it as your birth chart on steroids! By understanding your human design, you gain the validation and vocabulary to be authentically yourself in your business endeavors. Step-by-Step Explanation Step 1: Get Your Human Design Chart - If you're new to human design, start by getting your free chart from The Feel Good Expert. Having your chart handy will help you follow along with the insights and strategies we discuss. Step 2: Understand Your Type and Strategy - Generators and Manifesting Generators: Your strategy is to wait to respond. Try various activities and see what resonates with you. Listen to your body and trust your gut or emotions. Avoid pushing through tasks just because you can; instead, focus on what genuinely excites you. - Projectors: Your strategy is to wait for the invitation. Show up, share your expertise, and make yourself discoverable. Invitations will come when you focus on honing your craft and guiding others without forcing outcomes. - Manifestors: You are designed to initiate and inform. Let others know what you're doing and invite them along. Manage your energy wisely to avoid burnout and know when to take breaks. - Reflectors: Your strategy is to wait a full 28-day lunar cycle before making decisions. Sample different experiences and give yourself the time to find clarity. Your unique perspective is invaluable.
New comment 8d ago
Business & Marketing Strategy (with Human Design)
Struggling with content creation?
You're not alone. Many coaches feel like they're missing a piece of the puzzle. You know you have something valuable to offer, but you're not seeing the results you want. Today, I’m sharing how Human Design and AI can help you discover your unique strengths, find your perfect coaching niche, simplify your content creation process, and attract your ideal clients. The Struggle is Real For three years, I created content and courses that led to just a handful of one-on-one clients. I knew I had something valuable to share, but I couldn’t figure out how to make it work. It wasn’t until I found Mike on TikTok, joined his group, and started using a new approach that things began to change. Now, I have not 1 but 2 thriving communities and feel like I've finally cracked the code. (Thank God!) The Solution: Combining Human Design and AI Human Design helps you understand your natural strengths, while AI can optimize your business processes and make content creation SO MUCH easier. And it all starts with understanding your niche. Together, these tools can transform your coaching business and content strategy. If you need more help narrowing down how you show up online check out Find Your Online Persona with Human design here. Steps to Leverage Human Design and AI for Content Creation Step 1: Identify Your Human Design Type First, create your Human Design chart online. Here are the main types: - Manifestors: You’re initiators. Start projects and give others a push. - Generators: You’re builders. Engage in work that excites you. - Projectors: You’re guides. Focus on advising and managing. - Reflectors: You’re mirrors. Thrive in the right environment. Step 2: Embrace Your Strengths Dive into the key strengths of your Human Design type and apply them to your coaching business and content creation. Understanding your unique strengths helps you create content that feels authentic and engaging.
New comment 9d ago
Struggling with content creation?
🔍 Where to Look in Your Human Design Chart for Hidden Strengths that Boost Your Authenticity
❓ Ever feel like you're missing a piece of the puzzle when it comes to showing up authentically online? Spoiler alert: it's in your Human Design chart. In my new mini-course, "Find Your Online Persona with Human Design," I'll guide you through how to find your life purpose, strengths, perfect clients, and how to shine like the star you are. Here’s a sneak peek! 🔭 Discover Your Life Purpose: North and South Nodes 🌠 Think of the North Node as your cosmic GPS guiding you towards your future potential, while the South Node is your trusty backpack of past experiences. Balancing these two helps you live your purpose and stay authentic. Who doesn't want that? ☀️ Unlock Your Strengths: Personality Sun Gate ☀️ Your Personality Sun Gate is like your personal superpower. It’s the core of who you are and what you’re here to express. Embrace it, and you'll naturally attract the right people into your orbit. 🧲 Attract Your Perfect Clients: Personality Profile Number 🧲 Your Personality Profile Number is your social secret weapon. It tells you how you best connect with others. Get this right, and you'll start attracting clients who totally get you. 🌟 Shine Bright: How to Show Up as Your Most Authentic Self In the "Find Your Online Persona with Human Design" mini-course, I'll show you practical steps to integrate these insights into your life and online presence. Imagine creating content and engaging with your audience in a way that feels completely you. 🪄 Magic, right? 💖 Check out the Mini-Course: "Find Your Online Persona with Human Design" Ready to uncover your hidden strengths and boost your authenticity? Join my mini-course where we'll deep dive into your North and South Nodes, Personality Sun Gate, and Personality Profile Number. It’s perfect for anyone wanting to align their professional life with their personal values and create a thriving online coaching business.
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New comment 15d ago
🔍 Where to Look in Your Human Design Chart for Hidden Strengths that Boost Your Authenticity
Human Design Strategy for Marketing Your Online Coaching Business
Think of Human Design as your personal blueprint—it combines astrology, I Ching, Kabbalah, and chakras. It's like the ultimate personality test but way cooler. It helps you understand your natural strengths and how to use them to make smart decisions. Discover your human design here Why Use Human Design in Marketing? Using Human Design in marketing means playing to your strengths and being your true self. When you're authentic, your audience will feel it, and they’ll be more likely to trust you and buy from you. If you don't know your aura type you can get your free chart here. Human Design splits us into five aura types. Knowing yours helps you market in a way that feels right. Marketing for Each Aura Type 🌟 Manifestor - You’re a Trailblazer: Kickstart trends and be bold. - Strategy: Launch new ideas and inform your audience. - Example: Announce a new coaching program with a big, bold campaign. 🌟 Generator - You’re the Builder: Respond to what your audience wants. - Strategy: Create content that solves problems. - Example: Use surveys to find out what your audience needs and create solutions. 🌟 Manifesting Generator - You’re Multi-Talented: Do a bit of everything. - Strategy: Respond to needs and share your skills. - Example: Blog about your diverse skills and how they help clients. 🌟 Projector - You’re a Guide: Share insights when invited. - Strategy: Wait for invitations and recognition. - Example: Show your expertise through case studies and wait for the invites. 🌟 Reflector - You’re a Mirror: Reflect your community. - Strategy: Take your time to make decisions. - Example: Monthly reflections to adjust your marketing strategies P.S. I've designed a whole new program that integrates your human design + AI to create, launch, and scale your badass online coaching biz in 21 days. ElevateAI (coming to Fire Your Boss Fast July 15th)
The Ultimate Guide to Identifying Your Coaching Niche with Human Design + AI
🧐 Finding clarity in your messaging and identifying who you can help can be challenging. This post will break down how you can use Human Design and ChatGPT to pinpoint your profitable coaching niche, ultimately building a thriving Skool community. ⚛️ What is Human Design? Think of Human Design as a blend of ancient wisdom and modern science. It’s based on your birth date, time, and place, combining elements of astrology, Kabbalah, the I Ching, and quantum physics. Essentially, it’s a tool for self-awareness, helping you understand how your energy works, what your strengths are, and how you can apply these insights in your business. How ChatGPT Comes into Play ChatGPT is like your digital research assistant. It can sift through vast amounts of information to help you find a unique niche. By leveraging ChatGPT, you can streamline niche research and use data-driven insights to carve out a distinct category for your coaching business. Why Combine Human Design & ChatGPT? Self-Awareness and Strengths: Human Design helps you understand your unique strengths and how your energy works, allowing you to build a business that fits you perfectly. No more trying to mimic someone else’s approach—this is all about you. Systematic Research: ChatGPT can help you validate your niche with real-time data and trends, ensuring you choose a viable and profitable direction. Unique Positioning: Combining the insights from Human Design with ChatGPT’s analytical power allows you to create a niche that’s uniquely yours. This distinct positioning helps attract clients who resonate with your specific strengths and approach. A Real-Life Example Recently, I worked with a client who was passionate about astrology, coaching, and personal development. She wanted to create an online coaching business but felt stuck. We used her Human Design to identify her strengths and how she could best serve her clients. Then, using ChatGPT, we conducted thorough niche research to pinpoint her unique market position. This combined approach helped her create a coaching business that leverages her strengths and stands out.
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