🔍 Where to Look in Your Human Design Chart for Hidden Strengths that Boost Your Authenticity
❓ Ever feel like you're missing a piece of the puzzle when it comes to showing up authentically online? Spoiler alert: it's in your Human Design chart.
In my new mini-course, "Find Your Online Persona with Human Design," I'll guide you through how to find your life purpose, strengths, perfect clients, and how to shine like the star you are.
Here’s a sneak peek!
🔭 Discover Your Life Purpose: North and South Nodes 🌠
Think of the North Node as your cosmic GPS guiding you towards your future potential, while the South Node is your trusty backpack of past experiences. Balancing these two helps you live your purpose and stay authentic. Who doesn't want that?
☀️ Unlock Your Strengths: Personality Sun Gate ☀️
Your Personality Sun Gate is like your personal superpower. It’s the core of who you are and what you’re here to express. Embrace it, and you'll naturally attract the right people into your orbit.
🧲 Attract Your Perfect Clients: Personality Profile Number 🧲
Your Personality Profile Number is your social secret weapon. It tells you how you best connect with others. Get this right, and you'll start attracting clients who totally get you.
🌟 Shine Bright: How to Show Up as Your Most Authentic Self
In the "Find Your Online Persona with Human Design" mini-course, I'll show you practical steps to integrate these insights into your life and online presence. Imagine creating content and engaging with your audience in a way that feels completely you. 🪄 Magic, right?
💖 Check out the Mini-Course: "Find Your Online Persona with Human Design"
Ready to uncover your hidden strengths and boost your authenticity? Join my mini-course where we'll deep dive into your North and South Nodes, Personality Sun Gate, and Personality Profile Number. It’s perfect for anyone wanting to align their professional life with their personal values and create a thriving online coaching business.
Comment below with your profile number (4/6) when you find it so I know you read this!
P.S. You can find your profile number & download your free chart from my human design coach, Tangie thefeelgoodexpert.com (you'll need it for the mini course anyways so might as well get started!)
😉 Amanda
4/6 Self-Projected Projector
Check this out and join us on Friday to learn how you can apply this in your coaching business!
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Amanda Smith
🔍 Where to Look in Your Human Design Chart for Hidden Strengths that Boost Your Authenticity
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