Human Design Strategy for Marketing Your Online Coaching Business
Think of Human Design as your personal blueprint—it combines astrology, I Ching, Kabbalah, and chakras. It's like the ultimate personality test but way cooler. It helps you understand your natural strengths and how to use them to make smart decisions.
Discover your human design here
Why Use Human Design in Marketing?
Using Human Design in marketing means playing to your strengths and being your true self. When you're authentic, your audience will feel it, and they’ll be more likely to trust you and buy from you. If you don't know your aura type you can get your free chart here.
Human Design splits us into five aura types. Knowing yours helps you market in a way that feels right.
Marketing for Each Aura Type
🌟 Manifestor
  • You’re a Trailblazer: Kickstart trends and be bold.
  • Strategy: Launch new ideas and inform your audience.
  • Example: Announce a new coaching program with a big, bold campaign.
🌟 Generator
  • You’re the Builder: Respond to what your audience wants.
  • Strategy: Create content that solves problems.
  • Example: Use surveys to find out what your audience needs and create solutions.
🌟 Manifesting Generator
  • You’re Multi-Talented: Do a bit of everything.
  • Strategy: Respond to needs and share your skills.
  • Example: Blog about your diverse skills and how they help clients.
🌟 Projector
  • You’re a Guide: Share insights when invited.
  • Strategy: Wait for invitations and recognition.
  • Example: Show your expertise through case studies and wait for the invites.
🌟 Reflector
  • You’re a Mirror: Reflect your community.
  • Strategy: Take your time to make decisions.
  • Example: Monthly reflections to adjust your marketing strategies
P.S. I've designed a whole new program that integrates your human design + AI to create, launch, and scale your badass online coaching biz in 21 days. ElevateAI (coming to Fire Your Boss Fast July 15th)
Whats included:
✅ 21 Day step by step blueprint for creating, launching and scaling your online coaching business using Human Design + AI
✅ 2 weekly live coaching/support sessions (+ recordings)
✅ Access to a private community of like minded individuals (Priceless)
✅ Classroom with online coaching resources ($10K value)
✅ New and updated training programs with accountability ($10K Value)
✅ Strategies for creating launching and scaling
✅ Practical Actionable Steps
Amanda Smith
Human Design Strategy for Marketing Your Online Coaching Business
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Helping aspiring coaches turn what they know, love and do into a thriving online income stream w/o complex marketing strategies or tech overwhelm.
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