How Do I Do The Things I Don't WANT To Do
The 5 Second Rule, popularized by Mel Robbins in her book The 5 Second Rule, is a simple but powerful psychological tool designed to help overcome hesitation, procrastination, and self-doubt. The core principle is that when you have an impulse to take action, you have only five seconds to act before your brain talks you out of it.
How It Works:
  1. Recognize the Impulse: When you feel the desire or impulse to do something (e.g., exercise, start a task, speak up in a meeting), acknowledge that feeling.
  2. Count Backwards from 5 to 1: When you realize you should act, start a mental countdown: "5-4-3-2-1." The idea is that this countdown interrupts habitual thinking and shifts your focus from excuses or doubt to the action itself. The countdown activates your prefrontal cortex, where decisions are made.
  3. Act Immediately: Once you reach "1," you take immediate action. The key is to physically move (e.g., stand up, start writing, walk over to someone). The motion creates momentum, which is often enough to carry you through.
Why It Works:
The 5 Second Rule is based on a combination of psychology and neuroscience. Here's how:
  • Overcoming Procrastination: Our brains are wired to protect us from discomfort or risk. Even if the action you want to take is beneficial (like starting a workout or tackling a big project), your brain can interpret it as stressful. After 5 seconds of hesitation, your brain will likely come up with reasons not to do it ("I'll do it later" or "I don't feel like it right now"). The rule helps you bypass this mental block by acting quickly.
  • Building Confidence: By consistently using the rule, you gain confidence and trust in your ability to take action. The more you act in the moment, the less likely you are to hesitate in the future.
  • Rewiring Your Brain: Repeatedly interrupting your default thinking patterns with the countdown and immediate action helps create new, productive habits over time.
Applications of the 5-Second Rule:
  1. Breaking Habits: Whether you want to stop snacking late at night or scrolling endlessly on social media, the 5-Second Rule can help you break the cycle of automatic behaviors.
  2. Building New Habits: Use it to start positive habits like exercising, meditating, or studying. For example, when your alarm goes off in the morning, count "5-4-3-2-1" and get out of bed immediately.
  3. Beating Anxiety or Fear: If you struggle with fear of speaking up or trying new things, the 5 Second Rule helps you break through the hesitation that fear creates. It pushes you to take action before your anxiety has time to take over.
  4. Increasing Productivity: It’s a great way to overcome the inertia that comes with procrastination. When you think about starting a task but feel yourself delaying, use the countdown to shift from thinking to doing.
Example in Fitness:
Say you’re thinking about going for a run but start feeling the urge to sit down instead. You would count down from 5—"5-4-3-2-1"—and then immediately get up and put on your running shoes. By the time your brain tries to talk you out of it, you’re already in motion, making it easier to follow through.
In short, the 5 Second Rule is about getting out of your own way, acting on your instincts, and building a habit of taking action.
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Sean Lyons
How Do I Do The Things I Don't WANT To Do
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