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Epstein Barr or CFS anyone?
Was just diagnosed with EBV and so I am learning all I can about how to help myself while also living a carnivore lifestyle. So much advice online is to take herbal potions, “support adrenals,” and such. I haven’t found a lot of solid guidance, other than: Liposomal Vitamin C Vit D and A (aka cod liver oil) Avoid stress 🙄 Zinc Lysine
Looks like I'm a Lean Mass Hyper Responder
Got my blood lipid results yesterday and it looks like I get to join Dave Feldman and Nick Nortwitz's club. My LDL is 13 mmol/l, Tri:. 0.65 mmol/l and HDL: 2.18 mmol/l. I'm happy with the results (my immune system has improved no end) but I guess I just want reassurance that I'm not crazy mega high and the ratios all look fine for someone on the carnivore diet for 1 year and 2 months. For context I'm 47, 5ft 3 in height and weigh roughly 48kg and I train 4-5 days a week, plus daily walking and very little sitting. Also, my Urea is very high at 8.1mmol/l which is understandable as I eat high protein (up to 150g a day), but my Creatinine is only 64 umol/l and Estimated GFR is 90 ml/min/l. I have @Stephen Thomas 's brilliant blood results book and it mentions that there should be a good ratio between Creatinine and Urea, but I'm not sure how to work this out. Do my results look ok in this context? Anything that I should be concerned about? After an hour long chat explaining everything to my GP she is now interested in trying the ketop/carnivore diet for herself and has asked my permission to present my case to her peers as she has never seen LDL so high or heard of a LMHR. She said she loves discovering something new! I'm sending her some studies and information to help get her up to date. But she's been great and refreshingly open minded.
New comment 8h ago
Has anyone used COLLAGEN PEPTIDES from Hunter & Gather foods. Any benefits? Worth the money? I would be interested to know. Thanks
New comment 11h ago
Fat cycling and exogenous ketones
@Richard Smith When fat cycling during a fat loss phase could exogenous ketones be used on days when fat intake is reduced to possibly assist in up regulating the ketogenic pathways so that you may be able to better utilities the increased fat intake on your higher days
New comment 1d ago
Beef protein powder
I've got some weird stuff going on. I was making chocolate protein muffins using bulk powder beef chocolate protein powder (uses sucralose sweetener) . I started getting cravings for them, thinking about them and eating them when not hungry. They don't really satisfy but I was using as a bridge food and not even that nice! The final straw was when I panicked that I had run out! They have a hold on me and i dont know why. This week i decided to remove them from my diet. I still have cocoa powder and sucralose as want to see if its the protein powder as had a similar reaction when I made ice cream with it, I thought it was the allulose at the time. It was the first thing I overate and couldn't stop. The only extra thing I have removed this week from my diet with beef protein powder is the extra ingredient to make the muffins - bicarb & sour cream. I've actually had a bit extra cheese and cream so it's not the sour cream. Well since removing I'm dumping weight like crazy and the I have awful stomach upsets like when I first started. A bit like battery acid! My hunger is down, I was suddenly always hungry. My fasting blood sugar is down, my fasting ketones up from 0.2-0.6 and daytime ketones was 1.1 (unheard of for me) it's like I'm back at the beginning. Surely it can't be chocolate beef protein powder??? I am losing weight from my stomach this week, can some areas just release more toxins. Getting worried as I only have 3 weeks left to sort my stomach as hopefully changing jobs. Not complaining about the weight loss tho 😂
New comment 3d ago
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