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Low-Carb School

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10 contributions to Low-Carb School
Beef protein powder
I've got some weird stuff going on. I was making chocolate protein muffins using bulk powder beef chocolate protein powder (uses sucralose sweetener) . I started getting cravings for them, thinking about them and eating them when not hungry. They don't really satisfy but I was using as a bridge food and not even that nice! The final straw was when I panicked that I had run out! They have a hold on me and i dont know why. This week i decided to remove them from my diet. I still have cocoa powder and sucralose as want to see if its the protein powder as had a similar reaction when I made ice cream with it, I thought it was the allulose at the time. It was the first thing I overate and couldn't stop. The only extra thing I have removed this week from my diet with beef protein powder is the extra ingredient to make the muffins - bicarb & sour cream. I've actually had a bit extra cheese and cream so it's not the sour cream. Well since removing I'm dumping weight like crazy and the I have awful stomach upsets like when I first started. A bit like battery acid! My hunger is down, I was suddenly always hungry. My fasting blood sugar is down, my fasting ketones up from 0.2-0.6 and daytime ketones was 1.1 (unheard of for me) it's like I'm back at the beginning. Surely it can't be chocolate beef protein powder??? I am losing weight from my stomach this week, can some areas just release more toxins. Getting worried as I only have 3 weeks left to sort my stomach as hopefully changing jobs. Not complaining about the weight loss tho 😂
New comment 3d ago
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@Gary McDonnell Thomas ooh what measurements do you use? I love dr kiltz ice cream but as its so rich in cream I can only have a tiny bit (50ml portion) . I do add a dusting of pure sucralose to it. I'm still fighting the sweet tastes but am only 3mths into giving up alcohol so it's a delicate balance.
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@Gary McDonnell Thomas 😂
Electrolytes with Stevia
Hi, I’ve been wondering about the stevia in the Keto Pro electrolytes. I tried the unflavoured first and wasn’t keen on the taste so I mix it with the flavoured ones now which I like very much and my leg cramps have stopped. I worry about the sweetness though and the effects of stevia on blood sugar levels and hormones?
New comment 3d ago
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I use both the unflavoured and cherry flavoured keto pro electrolytes. Sometimes I just want more than water but it means i can overdrink electrolytes as too nice! I will only use 1/3 - 1/2 a scoop of flavoured in 750ml bottle at a time as too strong otherwise but gives a nice flavour. It also means i can spread it over the day better. I find the more i need extra electrolytes the stronger I want it. I bought the unflavoured to see if its the taste or the electrolytes I'm wanting. Unflavoured is good for saunas and exercise as I don't guzzle it. My body also says when it's had enough.
Advice on exercise and losing weight
Ive been feeling an excess of energy, almost hyper so i booked my first high impact (combat) class to celebrate and burn some off and exercise for fun. I couldn't believe how strong, controllled and fast I was. I was never able to workout like that on carbs!!! When I looked at my smart watch I was in zone 5 for 1/3 of the workout and easily and it was enjoyable!! When I got home it was late and I wasn't hungry so went to bed (I'd eaten all my meals by 3.30pm as knew I'd be home late 9pm and thought I'd push fir a mini fast 😆 my weight loss is so slow! I go to bed at 9.30 now my body wakes me naturally at 5am after a proper deep sleep. Well I slept awful, felt wired and my heart kept racing, I guessing electrolyte issue as I had this when I first started Keto. I ended up getting up at 4.30am. I've also recently had to start eating a 3rd meal at dinner as my body started really slowing down, I was moody, tired and didn't feel great as too much of an energy deficit. Last night I didn't eat dinner after the workout as I wasn't hungry, and have read that if you eat late it messes with muscle repair and fat loss? Too add the burst of energy came from adding in my 3rd meal later for a dinner. It's taken me to about 150/160g protein according to MFP which seems a lot for my height and age. Is the weight loss faze supposed to make me feel tired and need to push thru it? And will eating late just before bed matter? Apart from yesterday where I only ate 100g protein as trying to push for a but of extra weight loss. Would reducing my protein of affected my electrolytes too? The last meal I have has mostly been chicken breasts with spices and butter mayo. Fatty meat was giving me really bad runs and cramps so I have swapped one meal for chicken and they've stopped.
New comment 12d ago
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@Rachel Moors thanks 🙂 that's reassuring and good to know, I was flapping because I find I am needing and eating 160g protein sometimes more to feel good and full which goes against a lot of advice especially for a short female and well over 1g protein for my ideal weight! Its easy to eat as well and not a struggle. I have no problem hitting my fats either 🤣 they tot up so fast! Ive cut back on my fat too as it upsets my stomach but also want to use my own and It's coming off slowly in it's own time. I havent tried butter bites yet, maybe I shouldn't 😂
0 likes • 12d
@Vicki Taylor that sucks 😕 yeah maybe a 1-2-1 can give some insight. I was thinking the same if things don't improve.
Liver flush- has anyone had success with one?
Does anyone have a link for a liver flush that doesn't cost the earth with silly unnecessary supplements and is carnivore friendly? I've finally got rid of my stomach upsets and involuntary flushing by reducing my fat intake so that was the problem, but now I'm hungry and don't feel great and craving loads. I saw on a live chat this can help and be a permanent fix. Not sure if the hunger is just due to me losing weight as now in an energy deficit and just the effects of losing weight which I'm not used to 🤣 and what is to be expected or I need to eat more lean protein which seems a lot. The other day 150g and still not satified. I find I'm needing a large amount of lean meat to be satisfied ie chicken breast which then needs low carb sauce or mayo to get down. I don't seem to have an off switch, its when my stomach is uncomfortably full that seems to signal.being full. Ie I ate 300g of chicken breast and could of eaten more after a breakfast and lunch of 2 eggs, 2 bacon with coffees and 21ml cream and 250g burgers made from 80/20 brisket mince. I'm only 5'0. I miss my fatty meat and wasn't hungry and satisfied now thinking about food. I've drunk a lot of alcohol and junk food over that last 20yrs! I imagine I have a lot of healing to do! Initially when I started keto I was purging a lot of what seemed like bile and acid for months. Doctors can't help as already have diagnosis of IBS and don't have enough symptoms for a colonoscopy. They suggested Fybogel which I've used before but I'd rather to fix it than stick a plaster over it and is also a fibre supplement which I thought made worse??
New comment Jun 4
0 likes • Jun 4
@Claudia Nevery thanks I'll have a look
1 like • Jun 4
@Rachel Moors 😅 I've seen about castor oil packs too. Just dont want to mess up my bedding 🤣 they sell the packs to contain it and strap it on on Amazon. I sometimes wonder if I'm detoxing enough for my busy to handle already lol and need to stop looking for "fixes" 🫢
Favourite meats
Just a bit of Sunday fun I’ve always been a lamb as my grandma used to make a lamb dinners. Even back then I had the bone
9 members have voted
New comment Jun 2
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Lamb shanks 😍
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Helena Edwards
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Joined Jun 21, 2024
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