Write something
[🏁 finished] - 03 listening exercise / write what you hear 🦻 (intermediate)
Salam everyone, this is a NEW type of exercise!! Excited to see how you like it. I have added a short YouTube video of عهد الأصدقاء, an old cartoon titled "The Friends' Covenant" Exercise steps: - listen to the video here: - write down what is said with the proper harakat - share it in the comments below👇 In 24h, I will share: - the correct script with harakat - feedback to your answers - any requested definitions/questions Happy exercise! Hope you enjoy it :)
New comment 7d ago
[🏁 finished] - 03 listening exercise / write what you hear 🦻 (intermediate)
[🏁 finished] - 02 reading exercise / add harakat (intermediate)
Here's the short paragraph: كان أنس يلعب بكرته الصغيرة بجانب الحقل. وبعد فترة قصيرة تدحرجت الكرة إلى جانب إحدى السنابل الخضراء. تبع أنس الكرة ليلتقطها، فسمع صوتا غريبا يناديه : انتبه يا أنس. وقف أنس في مكانه مستغربا وهو يقول : ماذا حصل؟ فقالت له السنبلة : انتبه يا أنس، إنك تدوس على السنابل. View paragraph in docs for better formatting → After 24h, I will share: - a voice note for the pronunciation - the correct harakat - any requested definitions/questions Share a copy of the paragraph with harakat in the comments.👇
New comment 25d ago
[🏁 finished] - 02 reading exercise / add harakat (intermediate)
01 reading exercise explanation video
This is an explainer video for the last reading exercise we did. I try to explain the reasoning behind the ending haraka on each word. I hope it helps tie some loose ends if my feedback in the comments wasn't wholesome. Let me know if you like this form of review and if you still have more questions 🙂
New comment 30d ago
01 reading exercise explanation video
[🏁 finished] - 01 reading exercise / add harakat (intermediate)
Here's the short paragraph: .كانت إحدى الغابات الكبيرة، كثيرة الأشجار والأعشاب .وفي وسط الغابة نبع ماء غزير، تشرب الحيوانات من مائه الصافي وتغتسل به .وكانت تعيش في الغابة حيوانات كثيرة كالأسود والنمور والغزلان والفيلة والزرافات والقردة والأفاعي .وكان الأسد الكبير ملك هذه الغابة After 24h, I will share: - a voice note for the pronunciation - the correct harakat - any requested definitions/questions Share a copy of the paragraph with harakat in the comments.👇
New comment Aug 11
[🏁 finished] - 01 reading exercise / add harakat (intermediate)
🚨 Challenge 🚨 - Conjugate verbs in the present tense
You may have already done these 2 verbs in the past tense, now try to do them in the present tense by following the verb to do as an example. Here are the two verbs again: - he writes = يَكُتُبُ - he knows = يَعْلَمُ See the doc: Share your answers in the comments 👇
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