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42 contributions to Learn Arabic | تعلّم العربيّة
[🏁 finished] - 03 listening exercise / write what you hear 🦻 (intermediate)
Salam everyone, this is a NEW type of exercise!! Excited to see how you like it. I have added a short YouTube video of عهد الأصدقاء, an old cartoon titled "The Friends' Covenant" Exercise steps: - listen to the video here: - write down what is said with the proper harakat - share it in the comments below👇 In 24h, I will share: - the correct script with harakat - feedback to your answers - any requested definitions/questions Happy exercise! Hope you enjoy it :)
New comment 7d ago
[🏁 finished] - 03 listening exercise / write what you hear 🦻 (intermediate)
0 likes • 7d
@Mas Deen always a pleasure!
1 like • 7d
@Mas Deen Thank you Mas, yes it would be good to do more listening. Try cartoons first like the one in this post from Spacetoon, you can find it on YouTube :)
Difference between لي، لدي، and عندي
when and where are these words used?
New comment 11d ago
2 likes • 16d
@Habeeba J sorry for the delayed response! They're very similar but they are used differently. لي can mean “for me”, e.x. اقرأ لي قصة which translates to “read [for] me a story”, it can also mean “i have” in terms of ownership, لي متجر means I have/own a store, لي حق في هذا العالم means I have a right in this world عندي is “I have” but the thing is not with me and لدي is “I have” and the thing is on me. E.x . عندي قلم and لدي قلم are both I have a pencil but عندي says I have it but it’s somewhere not on me, and لدي is saying I have it on me right now Hope this clarifies the difference :)
1 like • 12d
@Habeeba J tbh I think my dialect is messing with my head on this one, because they all sound right. I presume they are interchangeable within certain contexts in fusha as well, but usually each context will prefer one over the others. The example you gave above: لي أخ واحد is more proper because your brother is not a thing, but he's a person with whom you have a special relationship/bond specific to you, لدي and عندي is more for objects I believe
Salam everyone! Hope every one is well. Apologies for not being very active this last week. I realized that I took on multiple things that I couldn't juggle. So I've decided to slow things down. To do so, I'm pausing our live classes for now in order to focus on building the course pack (already in progress, see classroom) and provide weekly challenges and vocabulary. Once these are good to go, we can hopefully reboot live classes and think of other ways to improve the community. Step by step we'll get there :) والسلام عليكم
New comment 12d ago
1 like • 14d
@Mas Deen missed you too! Thanks hope to reboot this week :)
1 like • 12d
@Habeeba J Thank you for the kind words Habeeba, it really means a lot! 🙏Jazaki Allah khair
Hi all! I am Marieke, 28 years old and from the Netherlands. I am a beginner, learning Arabic because I recently made a friend who’s from Syria and hearing him speak and seeing the beautiful Arabic lettering in some of his books inspired me to try and learn too.
New comment 9d ago
0 likes • 14d
Welcome Marieke! In Arabic we’d say Ahlan Wa Sahlan أهلاً وسهلاً Arabic is indeed beautiful! Hope you’re taking a look at the classroom section and begin going through the basics like the alphabet. Let me know if you have questions or ask the community :) P.S. sorry for the delayed reply!
ما الفرق بين الحليب واللبن
في اللغة العربية، ما فرق بين “حليب” و"لبن
New comment 14d ago
1 like • 16d
@Mas Deen different countries use them differently for milk and yoghurt. To look at it from the root, لبن is the main word that is used for milk products and milk from female animals. حليب comes from حَلَبَ meaning “to milk”, and حليب is the first product after milking and before fermenting into cheeses or yoghurt. But it can also be called لبن, why? لبن comes from لَبِنَ meaning reflexively that milk fills up. لَبِنَت الأُمُّ means the mothers milk increased or filled up. لَبَنَ is to drink لبن or to give someone to drink لبن. And لَبَنٌ (noun) is the proper term for milk inside the female animals.
1 like • 14d
@Mas Deen I’m glad you found it insightful!! Yes all good alhamdulillah thank you Mas 🙏
1-10 of 42
Adam B
337points to level up
Arabic teacher, software engineer

Active 3d ago
Joined Jul 29, 2023
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