Brain Teaser: What would you rather have? 100 qualified leads OR 10 new trials?
What about 1,000 qualified leads vs. 100 trials?
I'mma let you marinate on that for a second because I want this to sink in.
Is your brain all twisted up in knots yet? Haha.
Now that you've put some thought into it...I'll give you my 2 cents:
I would pick 100 leads over 10 trials any day of the week.
For a few reasons:
I know I can convert about 20%-30% out of 100 trials. And that's kind of average, with 6th grade writing skills and an OK SaaS. The longer you have the list and the more you email them, you'll start to see 40%-50%.
100 qualified leads means 100 people with the pain I solve that I can build a relationship with over time that could turn into MORE than just trials.
You'd be surprised how many potential partners, affiliates or straight up potential buyers are in your database that are just waiting to be given a reason to contact you.
They don't because they started a trial and got busy...saw an ad for Dad Grass (which I just bought haha)...spend 2 minutes in your app and couldn't figure it out...
So they have NO idea you would be a great partner for them.
When someone goes through a trial and doesn't convert, seeds of doubt IMMEDIATELY start to sprout.
Thoughts like: "I guess this isn't going to work for me" or "That's not really what I wanted" or "I really wanted this feature but they don't have it."
EVEN IF those things are not true.
How many times have you heard from a customer: "Hot diggity dog, I didn't know you had THAT feature!"
And you thought: "What do you mean you didn't know it literally says that in the settings menu under Profile > Email > Email Settings > Advanced Email Settings > Top Secret Email Settings > More > Enable Post Beta Features !!!
Most people can't make a decision of what CRM to use in a couple of minutes.
And most prospects and buyers don't have the time, energy or mental resources to try out 100 different CRMS to see which is the best for them...
So they KEEP doing what they're already doing because it's MORE painful to move to an app that might not be a fit than it is to stick with what they already know.
(HOT TIP: One reason people don't buy or convert is because they are afraid of how they'll look if they're wrong. When we nurture lists, we make sure to address this in the emails)
And it's WAY easier to get someone into your world by offering them a NEW way out of their problem...
Then saying:
"Hey we're the best sign up for a trial and spend 7 days figuring it out then after that it's $99 a month and it may be a fit for you but if it's not oh well."
lol. does take longer to convert a lead into a sale...
There's some education, pre-selling, objection overcoming that needs to happen...
But playing the long-game is a helluva lot more fun (and profitable) than the short one.
Aaron Krall
Brain Teaser: What would you rather have? 100 qualified leads OR 10 new trials?
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