Exciting Announcement - Win $5,000
Today I want to announce an exciting opportunity where you can make $5000 by the end of November.
The member that refers the most people to this community by the end of November will get $5000 cash price.
To be eligible, you must:
  1. Reach level 5. Ask me how if you don’t know.
  2. Refer a minimum of 50 members starting today.
  3. Referral = a new member who’s engaged in the community.
To win, you have to have the most referrals.
How do I know if you referred someone?
When they join, they have to answer three questions and one of the questions is open. “who referred you?” So make sure they answer with your name.
if you have more questions, please ask away.
Thank you and good luck to everybody :-)
Awesome, I’ll give it a shot
I won’t make it, but thanks for the opportunity
4 votes
Moshe Levis
Exciting Announcement - Win $5,000
Landscape Photographers
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