Theory on Copywriting for Ads
Hi guys. would love your thoughts on this too
So I am doing out a load of different potential copies for a client that I want to split test, as I have found a lot of the leads I am bringing in (mortgage leads) have been pretty low quality (poor credit, affordability etc)
I have been sticking primarily with the PPS, pain point, pain point, solution framework
However it's got me thinking. What if all of this pain focused copy is bringing in leads who are in pain. But not necessarily good pain. Pain in the sense that they haven't been able to get a mortgage because they're simply not eligibile for one
When I think about what might motivate someone to buy a house, it's probably pretty positive emotions. New beginnings, new family etc. So surely there could be leverage in focusing on the opportunity as opposed to all the pains of saving for a deposit, monthly payments etc
Or am I just using the wrong pain points, and should I be digging on the pain of what they will miss out on by living with their parents or renting for another five years
Keen to hear everyones thoughts and if anyone can bump Jimmy if he doesn't catch this I would appreciate it. Thanks!!
Emmett McCarry
Theory on Copywriting for Ads
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