Starting Out
Can someone just advise me or give any advise who is ahead of me in the journey. My question is what should I focus on
My current situation:
  • beginner just started 0 clients
  • I’m new have a $1k to invest in business
  • I’m 19 starting college in September 5 classes per semester
  • Agree with my parents if I hit $5k/mo CAD I can take a enter off and eventually drop out
I’m asking what should I focus on don’t want to mess around building websites funnels etc. My niche that I was going to chose is kitchen/bathroom remodel do a pure performance offer pay per appt I set them qualified appointments. Let me know guys what should I focus on only outreach?
Thank you Jimmy and this community love your YT vids jimmy appreciate you all
Eldin Imamovic
Starting Out
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