Hi, I'm running a DCT FB Ads campaign for creative writing courses with a €2 daily budget. We started on December 24th. We got 3 leads on December 25th, 1 on December 26th and none since. Link CTR is 1.35%, CTR All is 3.85%. Conversion Rate is 10% (4 leads out of 40 clicks).
From the getgo, the outlook is quite positive. Especially 3 leads in one day with a €2 budget. My concern lies in the fact we've gotten none since, and I fear it will stay stagnant. Nonetheless, we do not have much data, only 1038 impressions overall.
The only changes I made are on today the 28th, where I added 2 short-form variations to the DCT ad.
This campaign is also taking place in Ireland, hence the low CPC of €0.22.
Any advice? Should I wait for more data to make changes? Or given the relatively low scope of the country, would it be better to continuously iterate the ads, sentence by sentence? (Testing 3 long form variations, 2 short-form, 3 creatives, 1 lead form)