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Watch the video & complete the steps below: 1. First: Book Your Free Onboarding Call HERE 2. Dive into the Kettlebell Transformation Program HERE 👊 Grant & Sean PS: Comment "I BOOKED" and your best GIF below if you scheduled your Free Kettlebell Transformation Onboarding Call to enter to win a KT ✅ wristband and receive an exclusive gift on your call 🎁
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New comment 5h ago
🎉 Welcome, Start Here! (Win The KT ✅ Wristband + Gift!)
Been weightlifting for years, have barely touched kettlebells.
I'm Ryan, I'm from rural/suburban Illinois, the only kettlebell exercises I've ever done are KB Swings and Farmer's carry lol. I don't really know anything about the world of kettlebells and I think they're cool and interesting so this group caught my eye. I'm still level 1 so I can't access the classroom, so could anyone give me a basic rundown of the fundamental kettlebell movements?
New comment 14h ago
Hi y'all! Left Coast joiner!
New comment 23h ago
My name is James Sneed and I'm new to KT!
Where are you from? Born in Los Angeles, live in Garden Grove (Orange County) What's your nickname? No nickname...yet Favorite Kettlebell Exercise? 2 hand swings Least Favorite Kettlebell Exercise? Turkish Getups What do you need immediate help with inside this community? Soon to be discovered once I begin to get into the program.
Finally Getting Started
Where are you from? Ohio to AZ What's your nickname? TLAW Favorite Kettlebell Exercise? not experienced enough Least Favorite Kettlebell Exercise? too early to gauge What do you need immediate help with inside this community? Accountability and consistency
New comment Mar 6
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