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173 contributions to Kettlebell Transformation Free
Some encouragement for you guys:
I just finished KT 16 - the paid version. If you guys are really considering doing this for the long haul - I highly recommend. The program is awesome and worth every penny! Here are my 16 week results: Started: TGU 25# Swings 16kg Finished: TGU 20kg Swings 32kg No injuries ✅ Lost 25 pounds ✅ Feeling stronger at 61 than 41 ✅ #PTLG ✅ Go get ‘em fellas! If I can do it - you can to!
New comment 13h ago
2 likes • 13h
@Sean Griffin this gif 🔥
2 likes • 13h
@Adam Malanga 🔥🔥🔥 results!! Well done man
🤓Where Do You Start & How Do You Make Progress?
If you are trying to get in shape and you want to do it training with kettlebells but don't know where to start... here's my opinion on how to keep it simple and make it EASY to start seeing results. Focus only on TWO exercises: The Swing & The Turkish Getup (Here's the key: Give yourself the permission to not focus on ANYTHING else) In order to get there make sure to follow this progression to understand/build each skill... Bodyweight Hip Hinge ➡️ Kettlebell Deadlift ➡️ Kettlebell Swing Bodyweight Getup ➡️ Loaded Getup Once you are using weight for each you'll want to do a single "workout" where you perform... ✅ 10 sets of 10 Kettlebell Swings ✅ 5 Sets of 1/1 Turkish Getups (5 "singles on each side") *Don't worry about timing, or "work to rest" JUST get the sets done. Rest as much as you need but don't dilly dally. That will establish your "starting weights" for each skill. From there we have our guys train 4 days/week. If you can't commit to 4 days/week commit to 2-3. But the point here is to COMMIT. This is something that needs to become a non-negotiable part of your life. When you train perform 100 swings (10 sets of 10) and 5 Getups on each side. Always use the bells you established as your starting weights. Then every 2 weeks do ONE of your Swing sets with a bell that's 4-8kg heavier and every 4 weeks do ONE of your Getup sets with a bell that's 4kg heavier. Repeat this process for 16-20 weeks and you'll have systematically "progressed" aka leveled up your strength to the next set of bells. Cool thing about this is you can repeat this process over and over again util you are using some pretty wild weights and everyone who knows you is asking you "what the hell have you been doing?!" 😏 Could you be doing more? Sure. Do you NEED to? No. Do you "miss anything here?" Nope. Plenty of Strength & Endurance being cultivated here. Isn't this boring? I mean... that's up to you. I think objectively progressing is pretty badass... so no it's not boring to me but that's something you'll need to see for yourself. I'd urge you to base your "feelings" on working out less on if you are entertained and more on "is this delivering the ultimate end result I'm after?" Like brushing your teeth. You know it works, so you just do it.
New comment 17h ago
🤓Where Do You Start & How Do You Make Progress?
Hi y'all! Left Coast joiner!
New comment 23h ago
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Welcome @Stephen Barnes
Kettlebell Experience Poll 📊
What is your current experience level with kettlebells? Curious to see where the men in this group are at on their personal KB training journey. Bonus if you drop a comment with: 1) your favorite KB exercise 2) your current Turkish Getup PR
23 members have voted
New comment 14h ago
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@Erkki Peippo gotta start doing TGUs! 😉
2 likes • 1d
1. Getup with Snatch being a close 2nd 2. 60kg L, 64kg R
How I Got A 6-Pack in 37 Days With Only Kettlebells
I used to think that having a 6-pack wasn't in my cards. I blamed it on genetics... After working out consistently for a decade, and eating what I felt like was "clean"...I still didn't have visible abs. I had pretty much given up the thought that I'd ever see my abs. But then I learned the truth. I simply didn't have the right inputs. Don't get me wrong: having abs is not all that great. It takes a ton of work and precision to maintain. And it made very little difference in my day-to-day life beyond what just being in all-around great shape (but without a 6-pack) provides. Over time I've settled back into the "I'll take 2-4 abs and have some leeway with my nutrition because being 6-pack strict just isn't all it's cut out to be" But, I will say, it blew my mind to see these results happen, and happen as quickly as they did. And I'm glad I did it only to learn what it actually takes to get there. If you're a guy who is looking to shed fat, whether or not you're anywhere near a 6-pack, this video will break down the exact training and nutrition strategies I used to produce the results you see in the. Hope it helps someone in here get dialed in!
New comment 1d ago
How I Got A 6-Pack in 37 Days With Only Kettlebells
0 likes • 4d
🔥🔥🔥 This is the type of stuff that cuts through all the BS guys. The exact work you need to do consistently to see real results.
2 likes • 1d
@Erkki Peippo If you are going to eventually build out a full home “KB Gym” I’d say you’d have “Full Set”: 16-20-24-32-40-48kg Expanded Edition: 16-20-24-28-32-36-40-44-48kg And you could get by your entire life with singles of each. Double 20 and 24’s if you wanted DBL work. Buy the next one up as you are ready for it. That’s gonna be your 2H Swing progression dictating that. Yes you can get by your entire life with Swings, Getups and a handful of supplemental exercises (squats, pushups, carries, core, etc) but Swings & Getups will ALWAYS be your biggest bang for your buck. Nutrition is always going to be different strokes for different folks. It’s based on our guys lifestyles not a blanket approach to # of meals and snacks. That’s a solid way to start… but usually not something that will stick forever or be something that’s easily consistent for most guys. Depends on what exercise but I can tell you for Swings it’s when you can crush 10 swings every minute for 10 minutes & for Getups it’s when you can do a triple with your current bell. Then you are ready for the next 👊
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Grant Anderson
39points to level up
Kettlebell Transformation Co-Founder. We help men simplify their health & fitness & get strong from home with kettlebells.

Active 13h ago
Joined Jun 23, 2023
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