Quick idea for another Pulse-Technique...
... copied from a post I just made: Before standard of care / hbot sessions, "pulse yourself up" with fasting, to get those ketones up: In the 2015 hbot mice paper, the additional keto supplementation group had the best results:
" But there are interesting things that also Dr. Seyfried doesn't talk about (yet):
In the 2015 hbot study, the group with ketone supplementation had better results. Meaning, that higher ketones are beneficial. In practice that would mean, yes, ketone supplementation would probably be beneficial but fasting (in my definition, fasting is 24+ hours, not intermittant) also drives ketones way up.
So this could be another pulse technique besides the glutamine inhibitors, in this case when entering hbot. Or even when entering "normal" chemo and radiation sessions. "
What do you guys think? How much do your ketones go up, if you skip 1 day of eating, then measuring again? How much do your keotnes go up when 1) Eating coconut oil, say 3 tablespoons 2) Drinking MCT Oil?
Johnny Rockermeier
Quick idea for another Pulse-Technique...
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