New DON Pricing by Den Stacey!
So it seems that a little bit of "price publication pressure", by our group or other groups/ individuals, has worked like a charm:
A member of ours forwarded me a recent email by Den Stacey:
He has now (as of beginning of September 2024) lowered the price of DON per mg to 6 dollars instead of 15-17. This is quite a "deal" I think, if you are apprehensive about all the other ways you would have to get it, like founding a company etc.
So yes, you can buy it now from his connections and company for a fairly resonable price! I don't know about delivery time yet or if they measure your daily doses out for you, but in general this is great news if you ask me!
Johnny Rockermeier
New DON Pricing by Den Stacey!
We help people to prevent, manage & cure cancer, based on ideas by Dr. Seyfried. Proposed foods follow the RockSolid Diet, invented by J. Rockermeier.
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