Iron Fangs
Public group
31 members
Nowadays the fitness industry absolutely sucks, everything is overcomplicated, everyone changes their stance each week, there's no consistency, and the ones that suffer are the ones who watch.
I'm making a tight knit community of two types of people, those who want to do what works, and those who want to know why it works. We'll explore both, but I've split things up so you don't have to learn anything you don't want to.
Here's what's inside (for gains):
  • Weekly Coaching Calls
  • Training Principles for Growth
  • How to Work Each Muscle
  • How to Perfect Your Recovery
  • How to Win a Bodybuilding Show
  • Routine Review
  • Form Review
  • How to Survive on a Alternative Diet
  • Scams to Avoid
Here's what's inside (for nerds):
  • Journal Reviews every 4 days
  • The Sciency Process Behind the Training Principles
  • What Causes Muscle Growth, What Doesn't, and What Deters.
  • How to Analyse a Study
  • The Science Behind Sophist's Claims
Iron Fangs
Focusing on what makes men grow, instead of what makes them feel sore
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