Today is World Mental Health Day. Last year, I came across this powerful share from Norwich City FC, which is well worth the 2mins and 30 seconds of your time to watch (you don't have to be a fan of football for it) Maybe societal shifts have occurred to the point where we are just wrapped up in our own worlds, or chasing to fit an image portrayed by social media, which makes us more inclined to chase likes and hearts, and hence gives us the excuse of not having enough time to consider others, or simply just take them for granted i.e. that notion of 'I'll get back to them later' And yet, we all have an inherent core human need of connection to others, yet even though we've got access to so many ways of communicating and keeping in touch with people, we're seeing things like loneliness, self doubt and suffering in silence rise. That is a shit state of affairs to be in, and I include me in this. We all lead busy lives, sure. But if we truly ask ourselves, do we really feel we can't make that time to reach out to people in our lives? Instead of pissing about on social media for example for the umpteenth time in the day scrolling through crap, can we not instead reach out to a family member, friend, colleague, whomever? You don't have to be their white knight looking to solve all their problems, just by listening to them can help, even in a small way. And if they don't want to talk, that's ok too. Maybe they are busy or it's not the right time for them. This is not about atonement, or redressing a karmic balance or claiming a do-good badge of honour for doing it - it's about connecting with a fellow human being. Maybe it's that very action of you reaching out that brings them some support, reassurance and a sense of they're not alone in what they're going through. If this spurs you into saying hello you've not spoken to in a while, nice one. With more awareness, we can help and unite with each other as more often than not, we're all in the same boat, trying to find our way.