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Welcome to the AboveMen Community on Skool! The goal of this group is to help entrepreneurs, execs, and high-ticket closers optimize their health to earn more 💰 and feel great while doing it. AboveMen is led by myself. I've got 10+ years in the health optimization space. I've worked with many 6/7/8 figure entrepreneurs, execs, and closers. Time and time again I saw a repeating pattern with all my clients that when they made a small shift in their diet to an optimized one, their income magically went up. So I packaged this into a short 5 day challenge to share with anyone interested in earning more money just by changing what you eat. Pretty cool, huh? So start here by checking the challenge here: 5 Day Sales Challenge Also, check out the calendar for upcoming live events happening. RULES: - Don't spam everyone by posting a bunch of irrelevant things. - Posts must be thought out and relevant to optimizing your health/performance. - Absolutely no selling inside the group or promotion. - Provide support to others as you can Also, if you're just here to look around, be a spectator, and simply take from the group but not give anything back in return... you will be kicked after 30-days of inactivity. Skool allows us to see when you're last active, so we'll clean house every month and ensure this group remains high-quality. To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know: 1. Why you decided to join the AboveMen community? 2. What is your goal(s) with your health & energy that we could help support? Rooting for you, Cameron & The AboveMen Team 👊 Ps. some things to consider before you go: 1. If you're looking for health coaching, we can skip the small time and book in a call to see if I can help out. Find time on my calendar here: Cam's Booking Link
New comment Feb 5
Are you falling victim to negative self-judgement?
I sat there paralyzed. It was 11AM. I sat alone, bedroom/office, feeling overwhelmed. This wasn’t the first time either. I had just finished watching a YouTube video of a guy similar age to me, but 10x more financially successful. Then as if I was slowly being poisoned… Over the next 10 minutes a wave of depression washes over me. Minute by minute I became less confident, less motivated, less certain. “Look at these guys” “They are so far ahead of me, why should I even try” All I wanted to do was lay in my bed, watch Netflix, and escape from the world. I hated this feeling. Every time I identified with it, I’d paralyze myself, sometimes for the rest of the day. I couldn’t work… I was too weak… What was this feeling? Self-judgement. This was a story from my life back in 2018. Since then I dedicated myself to figuring out to effectively manage my judgement & comparison. I’d say I’ve come A LONG WAY. But it’s still present and in today’s episode of Boy2Man we unpack Jordan’s relationship and recent run-in with negative self-judgement. We bring up some great tools to deal with and even eliminate it all together such as: Journalling Meditation Gratitude Breathwork De-biasing Listen to it here: (Youtube link) (Spotify link) With no judgement, Cameron, Your Big Bro 👊 Ps. The video quality on this one got SO MUCH BETTER. Let us know what you think.
Are you falling victim to negative self-judgement?
Are you asking her to be your girlfriend too soon?
“Will you be my girlfriend?” Says the Hedonic boy… It’s been 5 weeks since they started talking and Kelvin is already wanting to marry her. So eagerly without much thought… he springs the question with naive excitement. Kelvin doesn’t realize what he just did. But he just made the path towards a loving and joyous relationship MUCH harder then it needed to be… Simply because he hasn’t built the patience and self-confidence of the AboveMan. Kelvin deep down really knows why he asked her out so early. He’s afraid of losing her because truthfully he doesn’t have confidence in himself. Mixed with his inability to delay gratification. He couldn’t wait any longer. A foolish mistake. Learn why in the newest episode of Boy2Man. (Youtube link) (Spotify link) Check out how sick we look with the new glasses 😎. With ‘delayed’ gratitude, Cameron, Your Big Bro 👊
Are you asking her to be your girlfriend too soon?
Closer Role - Job Opportunity
Hey Gents, I'd like to introduce my company's new job opportunity at our consulting firm. We’re currently looking for a new Inbound Closer to join our team, with an OTE of $100k-150k+. If you have solid sales experience and results to back it up, you could be a great fit for the role. If you'd like more information, I highly recommend watching our VSL (in link below) to gain a clear expectation of what your job would look like, along with a full breakdown of our onboarding process. Our video covers our company, culture, and what makes a great candidate.If it resonates with you, please fill out the application form in order to move forward with the application process!
thoughts on using one of these for marathon training? @Cameron Russelle
New comment Mar 6
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AboveMen Community
A community for self-driven men pursuing self-mastery in mind, body, heart, and soul to reach their fullest potential.
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