Aug 14 (edited) in ๐Ÿšจ Announcements
Do you want to see our plans to hit a 7-figure run rate in the next 2 months?
If 40 People would find this interesting and comment below with a GIF I will drop the training and include...
  • How we get traffic for $1
  • The most chill "launch" method ever (that added $25k in mrr)
  • How we are able to close by chat
  • The sneaky way we sell high ticket through skools limitations
  • The Dream Team
  • Full Breakdown of expenses
  • How we do 50% profit margins
  • And how I am able to do it all working just 10 hours a week in client delivery
  • and the rest of the time is making cool stuff for clients and community
How quick can we get 40 comments?
Dan Harrison
Do you want to see our plans to hit a 7-figure run rate in the next 2 months?
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