20 years ago, someone gifted me a blue book called A Course in Miracles. This remarkable text was channeled in the 1960s by a Columbia University professor who insisted she wasn't the author - she maintained she was simply transcribing teachings from Jesus that she received through inner dictation.
The message within its pages transformed my entire view of reality and has shaped my underlying beliefs of abundance and success...
That have no doubt contributed to the transform of my own financial situation from being half a million dollars in debt to being debt free with a 7-figure coaching business, doing work I love.
While there are many lessons I've gleaned over the years from this book here are 4 primary themes that have helped me relate differently to money and abundance.
๐ Beliefs: Your internal beliefs are reflected externally. Nothing changes until your beliefs about what is possible does.
๐ Fear: Money is not the source of security you might think it is. We can choose to make decisions from an internal knowing and self trust or based on the numbers in our bank accounts... Let go of fear based money decisions.
๐ Alignment: Playing an infinite game and aligning your business with a bigger purpose makes success inevitable. When you serve from a place of higher purpose, abundance naturally follows.
๐ Perception: The perception we hold of ourselves, the world, god, others is either contributing to our abundance and freedom or hindering it. As Einstein wisely noted, "There are only 2 ways to look at the world... Like everything is a miracle... or nothing is."
These principles have been so transformative in my own journey that I want to share them more deeply with our community. Starting in January, I am going to be holding a weekly book study for anyone who wants to dig deeper into the teachings of A Course in Miracles. If you want the details, just Comment "ACIM" and I'll send them your way.
Dan "Student of ACIM" Harrison
PS. The first ACIM Book Study is on Thursday Jan 9th