Alright Killers
I'm back after a much needed rest and have a much deserved cold thanks to my two germ factories at home 🤢😆
I hope all of you had a very Merry Christmas and are ready to start 2025 off with a BANG💥
If you're on the path to a healthier version of you in 2025, there's nothing more important than goal setting...the right way. I know you've likely heard it a million times but here's the reality;
Wishing for something to happen is what losers do. You're not a loser or you wouldn't be here. WINNERS establish what they want then they commit to the plan to get them there.
I just did my goal setting workshop with myself for 2025. Here are my goals by end 2025:
💥Double my business revenue
💥Compete in 2 sports events
💥Drop to 10% body fat
💥Get 3 podcast sponsors
💥Get 1 business investor
💥Build YouTube channel to 20k subscribers
Using the SMART Goal method is the easiest way to make sure you can actually achieve them. Part of the goal is to make these goals SCARY - making easy goals doesn't force you outside of your comfort zone.
A SMART goal means that your goal is:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Relevant
- Time-Bound
Essentially, create your goals like a mission statement :
"I will achieve 10% body fat, no later than 31 December, 2025, by following my daily, weekly and monthly habits based off the plan I established with my coach 😉" This goal is specific, it's measurable with the scale and measuring tape, it's achievable since I need to lose approx 0.5lbs of fat per week, it's relevant because I want to look better and be an example to others and it's time bound by the end of the year.
I'd love to hear your goals in the comments using the example above as a template.
If you want some help crafting your goals for 2025, I'm going to be hosting a LIVE WORKSHOP to get you dialed in for 2025 in my Veterans Getting Fit AF community.