Get Clients With a Book
Public group
1 member
If you want to get more customers + credibility with a book, Get Clients With a Book is the community for you.
Inside this completely FREE group, you will:
✅ Discover how to publish a book that makes you stand out and attract customers
✅ Learn the best funnel to turn your book into an appointment-generating machine
✅ Access deep-dive training on how to build an irresistible high-ticket offer
✅ Meet like-minded creators you can collaborate with and be encouraged by
You don’t need to write your book alone on an island...
This community + training will help you:
  • Write your book fast
  • Publish on Amazon to get more credibility
  • Promote your book inside a powerful funnel that generates appointments
So, if you want to get your book out into the world...
Join now 👉
We’ll see you inside!
Get Clients With a Book
This group provides everything you need to publish a book and get customers...FREE.
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