Leasing Truck Equipment
When is Leasing Trucks (Penske/Ryder etc) as a Carrier Beneficial?
For years I have had at least 1 long term (3 year) lease on a Truck with Penske. I also own many Trucks and Vans etc so why do I also Lease?
Long Term Lease customers get discounting off of short term rental (term or trip) equipment. Gateway OT then can expand or contract our fleet as needed.
The benefit is discounting and localized billing on a nationwide account. So here is my story as an example.
We have run a National Government/Military account since 2018. We still service this contract. When we rent equipment anywhere in the United States we are billed at a discount AND at our local Arizona rate.
Every time I’m in Hawaii or Alaska or some high rent zone for renting equipment to move our product around the rental people say the same thing every time!
“Why don’t you just steel this equipment!”
“You practically are getting this for free”
In Arizona you generally can rent a 26’ box truck for about $100 a day and .78 a mile
In Hawaii it’s much more expensive like $200 a day $2.00 a mile.
When I rent in Hawaii because they bill me the Arizona rate plus a large discount for being a National leasing customer I drive out of their location paying $65 a day and .19 a mile! lol
To them it’s mind blowing.
Because we perform final mile deliveries in all 50 states and territories for the Government having this kind of buying power operationally is a great advantage.
Even when Gateway gets trucks in New York, LA, Chicago etc where rates are higher than in Arizona and then add in our discount the person behind the counter always makes a phone call.
“Is this right? This can’t be right? We giving this truck to them at this price? Ok”
😂 😝 😆
So is leasing trucks (long term) more expensive than owning?
Absolutely, but if you know that you are going to need to rent or lease a lot of equipment (we rent 100s of trucks each year) all across America then a long term lease agreement with a rental discount plan is a great option.
Gateway is a National Lease Account with Penske and has been since 2016. We will continue to do so to take advantage of our discounting when we rent their equipment.
Do other carriers take advantage of these types of programs?
Steven Tittle
Leasing Truck Equipment
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