“Do every act of your life as though it were the very last act of your life.” by Marcus Aurelius
I absolutely agree with this one: way too many people do every task in life with mediocre intent or the mindset of "oh haha, I'll do a bit. I don't wanna get tooo fit, shredded, big, fast, athletic. I wanna just abive average so I don't stick out".
I think you should give it your all, no matter the area of life: Don't just have a girlfriend for the heck of it, don't just read a book and let half of the info/ knowledge fly over your head. Don't just train like it's a choice. It's a mandatory action if you want to achieve your goals!
Do all your actions with purpose and you'll never end up with:
- Regret
- No where to go
There won't be a finish line.
Keep going.
Do it all with your heart.
Do it as were the last act of your life.
Tell me what you think!