26d ago in H40
HUGE announcement!
Hey gang!
Not everyone was able to make the Live Call today, so I wanted to share some updates here in Skool so you're all in the loop.
First, we wanted to let you know that although we are nearing the 40-day mark, this is just the BEGINNING. Our plan at Freedomology is to keep doing these sprints and invite more people to join.
Eventually, we'll do F40 (a 40-day financial sprint) and R40 (a 40-day sprint to better relationships), but for now, we are going to run H40 again. And again. And again.
YOU all are the H40 OG's, the original cohort, the early committed. And we are looking to YOU to help shape what H40 becomes. Your feedback is so valuable to us, so THANK YOU for all you've shared throughout your experience.
Our next sprint is July 15th, and we'll invite many more people to join this community.
Which brings me to Skool. This community is not going away after the 40 days are over. Again, this is just the beginning. Our vision is to grow this community to be a global MOVEMENT of people dedicated to better health, relationships, and finances.
After July's sprint, we'll run H40 again on October 10th, World Mental Health day.
In addition to that, we're putting together a bonus module for H40, you can expect that in the coming weeks.
We're also putting together a carb-fasting cookbook and a carb-fasting app, so you will never have to wonder what to eat on your carb-fasting days again!
And lastly, next week, there will be another survey coming your way like there was at the beginning of the sprint. If you fill out this survey, you'll get a free H40 T-Shirt!
There's lots to be excited about, and we are just getting started. Thanks for being part of the first H40 cohort, and here's to many more!
Tony Allen
HUGE announcement!
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Freedomology is a community of people who are committed to achieving greater freedom in their health, relationships, and finances.
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