For so long I felt like this with my sleep!
I know I cannot be the only one to relate to this….and I felt this way for a long time. Sometimes I find myself drifting into old habits - yes this can happen and to some degree we should expect it. We are humans not robots. But - I used to push so hard during the day that by night time when I was supposed to be hitting the sack I was up sitting alone. I was either enjoying the quiet without chaos or I was watching Netflix. Either way I was pushing past my sleep window and every night I did this I paid for it. More importantly though I recognized why I was doing it and that was because I thought I “deserved” this time alone. How did I break it? I gave myself more space and peace during light hours. It really wasn’t about night time or sleep it was about me never slowing down during the day to breath. I changed that, got my breaks during the day and didn’t need night time to “pay me back” for anything. Ive talked to so many who can relate to this especially with school aged kids. Who’s done this? How did you break it?
Amanda Liptak
For so long I felt like this with my sleep!
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